[comp.parallel] TRANSPUTING '91 - daily rates and last chance for accommodation

R.Peel@ee.surrey.ac.uk (Roger Peel) (04/10/91)

TRANSPUTING '91 is the first internationally-organized Transputer conference,
to be held in Sunnyvale, California, on 22nd to 26th April 1991.

INMOS transputers, powerful RISC microprocessors with direct support for
message-passing intercommunication, are being used worldwide in many
branches of science, engineering and computation.  TRANSPUTING '91 will
provide a major opportunity to review current work which uses the INMOS
transputer, as well as to learn the full specification of the new H1
transputer, and of the INMOS strategy for the future generations beyond
the H1.

Highlights of TRANSPUTING '91 will include :

A full technical disclosure of the new 150 MIPs, 20 MFLOPs H1 transputer 
67 contributed papers accepted from 17 countries
5 invited speakers - covering the past, present and future of transputing
- with David May and Leslie Valiant (newly-elected Fellows of the Royal Society)
13 tutorials on introductory and advanced topics
An exhibition of products from 20 companies
... plus the opportunity to discuss transputers and multiprocessing with many 
    leading personalities in the field

Only a few rooms are now left at the conference hotel - the Sunnyvale
Hilton Inn - and you are advised to register promptly for :

The main conference (23rd - 25th April) plus 3 nights accommodation,
   breakfasts, meeting breaks and a 900-page set of proceedings :	US $650
The main conference, meeting breaks, proceedings, no accommodation :	US $450

In addition, day rates are available, with no need for prior reservation :
One day at the conference, incl. meeting breaks and proceedings :	US $200

Half-day tutorials are being presented on 22nd April : US $100 each, 2 for $150
Full-day tutorials are available on 22nd and 26th April :               US $150
          (Please register in advance for the tutorials)

Highlights of each day of TRANSPUTING '91

Monday, 22nd April    Tutorials (a.m.)   * Introduction to transputers and 
				             Communicating Process Architectures
				         * Formal Methods in Transputing
                      Tutorial (all day) * Transputer Operating Environments
                      Tutorials (p.m.)   * Designing in Parallel - a 
				             selection of useful techniques
				         * Parallelising Existing Code

Tuesday, 23rd April    (a.m.)  Invited paper - Dennis Shea, (IBM)
			       Sessions on Image Processing, Routing
		       (p.m.)  Sessions on Mappings, Numerical Computing,
				 Technical and Industrial Applications (2), 
				 Tools and Operating Systems

Wednesday, 24th April  (a.m.)  Sessions on Language Issues, Fault Tolerance
			       Invited Paper - Riichirou Take & Yasuo Noguchi
			       Invited Paper - Leslie Valiant (Harvard Univ.)
                    (evening)  Conference Dinner
			       Invited Speaker - Jonah McLeod (Editor, 

Thursday, 25th April   (a.m.)  Sessions on Hardware, Prolog & A.I.
			       Invited Paper - David May, (INMOS)
			       Panel discussion
		       (p.m.)  Sessions on Formal Methods, Image Processing, 
			       Real-time, Robotics, Performance & Routing

Friday, 26th April    Tutorials - Embedded real-time Control Systems (hands-on)
				  Real-time Kernels for C programmers
				  Designing Parallel - hands-on workshop
				  Image Processing - hands-on workshop
				  Scientific Computing
				  Communications Applications
				  Artificial Intelligence
				  Helios Operating System for Transputers

Further Details

For additional program / tutorial information, call Executive Meeting
Management in the U.S.A. at 1-800-828-7494 or (717) 731 9295.  A message
recorder and a facsimile machine are also available 24 hours a day on the
second number.

Alternatively, write to :

  Executive Meeting Management, 
  PO Box 434, 
  Camp Hill, 
  PA 17001

Full details may be requested by electronic mail from :
           Dyke Stiles ( stiles@cc.usu.edu )
or         Roger Peel  ( r.peel@ee.surrey.ac.uk )      

Alternatively, call the chairman or secretary of your national Transputer
or occam user group.  Your local SGS-THOMSON / INMOS Business Centre also
has details.

Roger M.A. Peel
Department of Electronic and     Phone : +44 483 509284   (0483 from UK)
      Electrical Engineering       Fax : +44 483 34139
University of Surrey             Telex : 859331
Guildford                        JANET : R.Peel@uk.ac.surrey.ee
Surrey  GU2 5XH                   UUCP : ...mcsun!ukc!ee.surrey.ac.uk!R.Peel
United Kingdom

=========================== MODERATOR ==============================
Steve Stevenson                            {steve,fpst}@hubcap.clemson.edu
Department of Computer Science,            comp.parallel
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell