(Arne Skou) (04/25/91)
THIRD WORKSHOP ON C O M P U T E R A I D E D V E R I F I C A T I O N JULY 1--4, 1991 AALBORG UNIVERSITY, DENMARK OBJECTIVES This workshop is the third in a series dedicated to bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in the development and use of methods, tools and theories for automatic verification of (finite) state systems. The goal of the workshop is to compare the various verification methods for (finite) state systems, and tools supporting them as assistants of the application designer. Emphasis will be not only on new research results but also on the applications of existing results to real verification problems. Special sessions for demonstration of verification tools will be planned. A balanced participation of researchers and practitioners is expected. The workshop will present papers on the following topics, though the list is not exhaustive: Verification and validation tools for hardware and software (hardware controllers, communications protocols, real-time systems, etc.); verification methods by theorem proving, model checking, automata based methods; and verification theories and their applicability. SPONSORSHIP The workshop is sponsored by the Danish National Research Council and by Aalborg University through the basic research project Programming Environments in Theory and Practice. The workshop has official recognition from IFIP WG10.2 (Hardware Description Languages). INVITED SPEAKERS The workshop will have two invited speakers: Joseph Sifakis (IMAG, Grenoble, France) and Colin Stirling (Edinburgh University, Scotland). P R E L I M I N A R Y P R O G R A M SUNDAY, JUNE 30 19.00--21.00: Opening registration at Limfjordshotellet. MONDAY, JULY 1 8.30-9.00: Registration at Aalborg University. SESSION 1 9.00--9.50: Invited Speaker, Colin Stirling (Edinburgh U): Taming Infinite State Spaces. 9.50--10.15: Silence is Golden: Branching Bisimilarity is Decidable for Context--Free Processes, Hans H{\"u}ttel (Edinburgh U). 10.15--10.40: Computing Distinguishing Formulas for Branching Bisimulation, Henri Korver (CWI). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 2 11.10--11.35: Compositional Checking of Satisfaction, Henrik Andersen, Glynn Winskel (Aarhus U). 11.35--12.00: An action based framework for verifying logical and behavioural properties of concurrent systems, R De Nicola, A Fantechi, S Gniesi, G Ristori. 12.00--12.25: A Linear-Time Model-Checking Algorithm for the Alternation-Free Modal Mu-Calculus, R Cleaveland, B Steffen. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 3 14.00--14.25: Automatic Temporal Verification of Buffer Systems, A. Prasad Sistla, Lenore D. Zuck. 14.25--14.50: Mechanically Checked Proofs of Kernel Specifications, W Bevier, J S{\o}gaard-Andersen. 14.50--15.15: A Top Down Approach to the Formal Specification of SCI Cache Coherence, Stein Gjessing, Stein Krogdahl, Ellen Munthe--Kaas (Oslo U). 15.15--15.45: Coffee Break SESSION 4 15.45--16.10: Integer Programming in the Analysis of Concurrent Systems, G S Avrunin, U A Buy, J C Corbett. 16.10--16.35: The Lotos Model of a Fault Protected System and its Verification Using a Petri Net Based Approach, M Barbeau, G v Bochmann (Montreal U). 16.35--17.00: Error diagnosis in finite communicating systems, A Rasse. 17.00--17.25: Temporal Precondition Verification of Design Transformations, R Vemuri, A Sridhar. TUESDAY, JULY 2 SESSION 5 9.00--9.25: Pam: A Process Algebra Manipulator, H Lin (Sussex U). 9.25--9.50: The Concurrency Workbench with Priorities, C T Jensen (Aarhus U). 9.50--10.15: A Proof Assistant for PSF, S Mauw, G Veltink (Amsterdam U). 10.15--10.40: Towards Imperative Program Testing Using Logic Program Inversion, B J Ross (Edinburgh U). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 6 11.10--11.35: Avoiding state explosion by composition of minimal covering graphs, A. Finkel, L. Petrucci. 11.35--12.00: On the fly verification of behavioural equivalences and preorders, J.C. Fernanadez, L. Mounier. 12.00--12.25: Bounded-memory algorithms for verification on the fly, C. Jard, Th. Jeron. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 7 14.00--14.25: Generating BDDs for Symbolic Model Checking in CCS, R Enders, F Filkorn, D Taubner. 14.25--14.50: Vectorized Symbolic Model Checking of Computation Tree Logic for Sequential Machine Verification, Hiromi Hiraishi, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Ochi, Shuzo Yajima. 14.50--15.15: Functional Extension of Symbolic Model Checking, T Filkorn. 15.15--15.45: Coffee Break SESSION 8 15.45--16.10: An Automated Proof Technique for Finite--state Machine Equivalence, W Mao, G Milne (Strathclyde U). 16.10--16.35: From data structures to process structures, E Brinksma (Twente U). 16.35--17.00: Checking for Language Inclusion Using Simulation Relations, D L Dill, A J Hu, H Wong--Toi. 17.00--17.25: Semantics Driven Method to Check the Finiteness of CCS Processes, N de Francesco, P Inverardi (Pisa U). WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 SESSION 9 9.00--9.25: Using the HOL prove assistant for proving the correctness of term rewriting rules reducing terms of sequential behaviour}, M Mutz (Passau). 9.25--9.50: Mechanizing a Proof by Induction of Process Algebra Specifications in Higher Order Logic}, M Nesi (Cambridge U). 9.50--10.15: A Two-Level Formal Verification Methodology using HOL and COSMOS, C--J Seger, J J Joyce (University of British Columbia). 10.15--10.40: Efficient Algorithms for Verification of Equivalences for Probabilistic Processes, L Christoff, I Christoff (Uppsala U). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 10 11.10--11.35: Partial-Order Model Checking: A Guide for the Perplexed, D K Probst, H F Li. 11.35--12.00: Using partial orders for the efficient verification of deadlock freedom and safety properties, P Godefroid, P Wolper. 12.00--12.25: Complexity Results for POMSET Languages, J Feigenbaum (AT&T), J A Kahn (Harward). 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 11 14.00--14.25: Mechanically Verifying Safety and Liveness Properties of Delay Insensitive Circuits, D M Goldschlag. 14.25--14.50: Automating most parts of hardware tools in HOL, K Schneider, R Kumar, T Kropf. 15.00--22.00: Excursion & Banquet THURSDAY, JULY 4 SESSION 13 9.00--9.50: Invited Speaker, Joseph Sifakis (IMAG): Timed Specification Formalisms: an overview. 9.50--10.15: Minimum and Maximum Delay Problems In Real-Time Systems, C Courcoubetis, M Yannakakis (AT&T). 10.15--10.40: Formal Verification of Speed-Dependent Asynchronous Circuits Using Symbolic Model Checking of Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi, Hiromi Hiraishi, Shuzo Yahima. 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 14 11.10--11.35: Verifying Properties of HMS Machine Specifications of Real-Time Systems, A Gabrielian, R Iyer. 11.35--12.00: A Linear Time Process Algebra, A Jeffrey (Chalmers) 12.20--12.25: Deciding Properties for Regular Real Timed Processes, U Holmer, K Larsen, W Yi. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 15 14.00--14.25: From S/R models to Boolean processes, C. Corcoubetis, S. Graf, J. Sifakis. 14.25--14.50: Comparing Generic State Machines, M. Langevin, E. Cerny. 14.50--15.15: An Automata Theoretic approach to Temporal Logic, G G de Jong. DEMONSTRATIONS Please find enclosed a call for demonstration of (verification) tools. Demonstration of tools is planned to take place during coffee breaks and in parallel with presentations neighbouring coffee breaks. The demonstations will take place near the Auditorium for presentations. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATION Aalborg is the fourth largest city of Denmark with approximately 200.000 inhabitants, and is situated approximately 100 km north of Aarhus. Moreover, Aalborg is very close to the Danish west coast (approximately 40 km to Blokhus and L{\o}kken) which is certainly well worth a visit in the summer. The organizers have arranged for accommodation at Limfjordshotellet (single DKK 550,- and double DKK 800,-), andc in addition at an unspecified hotel of tourist standard (in the range DKK 300,- -- 500,-). All hotels are conveniently situated in the very center of Aalborg and not far from the railway station. Please find enclosed with this program a hotel reservation form. Deadline for hotel reservation is May 24th. The workshop itself will take place in the buildings of Aalborg University, which is some 7 km from the city center. Transportation between the hotels and the University will be provided, and in addition one may use the existing bus services number 11 and 20. TRANSPORTATION If you want to travel by plane, there are several daily connections from Copenhagen. When arriving at Aalborg Airport, you can conveniently use the special Airport bus (approximately DKK 25,-) towards Aalborg city as it stops just opposite Limfjordshotellet (the very first stop after the Limfjords--bridge). Alternatively, you can take a taxi, costing approximately DKK 70,-. If you arrive at the Railway Station in Aalborg you be just opposite Park Hotel; to go to Limfjordshotellet you may choose to take a 10 minutes walk (there is a city map inside the arrival hall of the Railway Station) or you may take a taxi (approximately DKK 30,-). REGISTRATION Please find enclosed with this program a registration form. The prize for registration (DKK 1600,-) includes proceedings and a copy of the final LNCS publication, transportation between hotel and University, lunches, reception, excursion, and workshop banquet. Deadline for registration is May 24th. A registration desk will operate in Limfjordshotellet on Sunday, June 30, 7--9 pm. From Monday through Thursday, there will be a registration and information desk outside the Auditorium at the University. ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONES You may find the following addresses useful: Limfjordshotellet, Ved Stranden 14--16, 9100 Aalborg. Phone +45 98164333. Telex: 69516 lim; Telefax: +45 98161747. Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University Center, Fredrik Bajersvej 7, 9220 Aalborg. Telephone: +45 98158522 (through switch board) or +45 98 154211 (wait--for--tone) 5017 (direct). E--mail: Telefax: +45 98158129. SOCAIL EVENTS Sunday, 30 June, 19.00--21.00: Opening registration and gatering at Limfjordshotellet, Ved Stranden 14--16. Monday, 1 July, 19.00: Reception at the Art Museum of North Jutland. Wednesday, 3 July, 15.00: Excursion to the Danish west coast (Slette Strand --- remember to bring swimming suits!) followed by Workshop banquet. Transportation by bus leaving at 15.00 from the Auditorium at the University. C O N F E R E N C E O R G A N I Z A T I O N STEERING COMMITTEE E.M. Clarke (Carnegie--Mellon University), R.P. Kurshan (At\& T Bell Laboratories), K.G. Larsen (Aalborg University), A. Pnueli (Weizmann Institue), J. Sifakis (LGI--IMAG). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE K.G. Larsen, A. Skou (Aalborg University). PROGRAM COMMITTEE Gregor Bochmann (U. Montreal), Robert Brayton (U. California, Berkeley), Ed Brinksma (Twente U.), Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon), Rance Cleaveland (N.C. State), Olivier Coudert (Bull), Costas Courcoubetis (U. Crete), David Cohen (Bell Core), Werner Damm (U. Oldenburg), David Dill (Stanford U.), Allen Emerson (U. Texax, Austin), Masahiro Fujita (Fujutsu), Orna Grumberg (Technion), Hiromi Hiraishi (Kyoto U.), Gerard Holtzmann (AT&T Bell Labs), Bengt Jonsson (SICS), Kurt Keutzer (AT&T Bell Labs), Harry Lewis (Harvard), Michael Lightner (U.Colorado), George Milne (U. Strathclyde), Willem deRoever (Kiel U.), Prasad Sistla (GTE Labs), Colin Stirling (Edinburgh U.), P.A. Subrahmanyam (AT&T Bell Labs), Pierre Wolper (U. Liege), Michael Yoeli (Technion). -cut--------------------------------------------------------------------- C A V 9 1 R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M Name: ________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Date: _____________ Signature: ______________ The registration fee is DKK 1600,-. It covers workshop lunches and refreshments, the participant proceedings, reception, and an excursion (including the banquet dinner) on July 3rd to the west coast of Northern Jutland. PAYMENT: Payment of registration fee should be made by banker's cheque drawn on a Danish bank and in Danish Kroner (private cheques will not be accepted). The cheque should be made payable to: CAV '91, c/o Aalborg Tourist Bureau, {\O}steraa 8, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark. Please return this form and PAYMENT NOT LATER THAN MAY 24th to the registration secretary: CAV '91 Aalborg Tourist Bureau {\O}steraa 8 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark phone: $+$45 98 12 63 55 fax: $+$45 98 16 69 22 The form may be sent via telefax followed by the cheque via snailmail. -cut------------------------------------------------------------------------ C A V ' 9 1 H O T E L R E S E R V A T I O N F O R M Name: ________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Please reserve hotel room for me according to the following: Single Double Limfjordshotellet _ _ (single room DKK 550,-, (_) (_) double room DKK 800,-) Unspecified hotel of tourist _ _ standard in the range of DKK (_) (_) 300,- to 500,- Date of arrival: ____ Date of departure: ______ Date: _______________ Signature: ______________ Please return this form NO LATER THAN MAY 24th to the registration secretary: CAV '91 Aalborg Tourist Bureau {\O}steraa 8 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark phone: $+$45 98 12 63 55 fax: $+$45 98 16 69 22 The form may be sent via telefax. --cut---------------------------------------------------------------- C A V ' 9 1 D E M O N S T R A T I O N F O R M During the conference there will be arranged sessions for demonstration of verification tools. For those of you who want to use this opportunity, please indicate your requirements below concerning hardware and software for such a demonstration. As a standard facility we will make a number of SUN4 machines available (SUN UNIX-OS version 4.1.1), and we will offer to initiate the execution of standard installation jobs before the conference. Also, we will on request make accounts available for running FTP's and remote installation jobs. Requirements going beyond the above will be fulfilled as far as possible, but our resources are limited. For example, we have a number of MAC's and we can also contact the computing center of our campus in order to allow for remote usage of VAX's. (The campus is covered by an Ethernet). The filled out form should be returned to one of the local organisers (Kim Larsen, Arne Skou) at Aalborg University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fredrik Bajersvej 7, Bygn. E, DK-9220 Aalborg, DENMARK NAME OF TOOL: ________________________________________ NAME OF AUTHOR(S); ___________________________________ ADDRESS OF AUTHOR (including e-mail, fax, phone): ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS: machine, OS, disk, RAM, Windows, remote connection,.. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ -cut--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arne Skou Internet: Institute for electronic systems Aalborg University Fredrik Bajers vej 7, 9220 Aalborg DENMARK. (W) +45 98 15 85 22 (H) +45 98 39 17 81 -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell (Arne Skou) (04/25/91)
THIRD WORKSHOP ON C O M P U T E R A I D E D V E R I F I C A T I O N JULY 1--4, 1991 AALBORG UNIVERSITY, DENMARK OBJECTIVES This workshop is the third in a series dedicated to bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in the development and use of methods, tools and theories for automatic verification of (finite) state systems. The goal of the workshop is to compare the various verification methods for (finite) state systems, and tools supporting them as assistants of the application designer. Emphasis will be not only on new research results but also on the applications of existing results to real verification problems. Special sessions for demonstration of verification tools will be planned. A balanced participation of researchers and practitioners is expected. The workshop will present papers on the following topics, though the list is not exhaustive: Verification and validation tools for hardware and software (hardware controllers, communications protocols, real-time systems, etc.); verification methods by theorem proving, model checking, automata based methods; and verification theories and their applicability. SPONSORSHIP The workshop is sponsored by the Danish National Research Council and by Aalborg University through the basic research project Programming Environments in Theory and Practice. The workshop has official recognition from IFIP WG10.2 (Hardware Description Languages). INVITED SPEAKERS The workshop will have two invited speakers: Joseph Sifakis (IMAG, Grenoble, France) and Colin Stirling (Edinburgh University, Scotland). P R E L I M I N A R Y P R O G R A M SUNDAY, JUNE 30 19.00--21.00: Opening registration at Limfjordshotellet. MONDAY, JULY 1 8.30-9.00: Registration at Aalborg University. SESSION 1 9.00--9.50: Invited Speaker, Colin Stirling (Edinburgh U): Taming Infinite State Spaces. 9.50--10.15: Silence is Golden: Branching Bisimilarity is Decidable for Context--Free Processes, Hans H{\"u}ttel (Edinburgh U). 10.15--10.40: Computing Distinguishing Formulas for Branching Bisimulation, Henri Korver (CWI). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 2 11.10--11.35: Compositional Checking of Satisfaction, Henrik Andersen, Glynn Winskel (Aarhus U). 11.35--12.00: An action based framework for verifying logical and behavioural properties of concurrent systems, R De Nicola, A Fantechi, S Gniesi, G Ristori. 12.00--12.25: A Linear-Time Model-Checking Algorithm for the Alternation-Free Modal Mu-Calculus, R Cleaveland, B Steffen. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 3 14.00--14.25: Automatic Temporal Verification of Buffer Systems, A. Prasad Sistla, Lenore D. Zuck. 14.25--14.50: Mechanically Checked Proofs of Kernel Specifications, W Bevier, J S{\o}gaard-Andersen. 14.50--15.15: A Top Down Approach to the Formal Specification of SCI Cache Coherence, Stein Gjessing, Stein Krogdahl, Ellen Munthe--Kaas (Oslo U). 15.15--15.45: Coffee Break SESSION 4 15.45--16.10: Integer Programming in the Analysis of Concurrent Systems, G S Avrunin, U A Buy, J C Corbett. 16.10--16.35: The Lotos Model of a Fault Protected System and its Verification Using a Petri Net Based Approach, M Barbeau, G v Bochmann (Montreal U). 16.35--17.00: Error diagnosis in finite communicating systems, A Rasse. 17.00--17.25: Temporal Precondition Verification of Design Transformations, R Vemuri, A Sridhar. TUESDAY, JULY 2 SESSION 5 9.00--9.25: Pam: A Process Algebra Manipulator, H Lin (Sussex U). 9.25--9.50: The Concurrency Workbench with Priorities, C T Jensen (Aarhus U). 9.50--10.15: A Proof Assistant for PSF, S Mauw, G Veltink (Amsterdam U). 10.15--10.40: Towards Imperative Program Testing Using Logic Program Inversion, B J Ross (Edinburgh U). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 6 11.10--11.35: Avoiding state explosion by composition of minimal covering graphs, A. Finkel, L. Petrucci. 11.35--12.00: On the fly verification of behavioural equivalences and preorders, J.C. Fernanadez, L. Mounier. 12.00--12.25: Bounded-memory algorithms for verification on the fly, C. Jard, Th. Jeron. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 7 14.00--14.25: Generating BDDs for Symbolic Model Checking in CCS, R Enders, F Filkorn, D Taubner. 14.25--14.50: Vectorized Symbolic Model Checking of Computation Tree Logic for Sequential Machine Verification, Hiromi Hiraishi, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Ochi, Shuzo Yajima. 14.50--15.15: Functional Extension of Symbolic Model Checking, T Filkorn. 15.15--15.45: Coffee Break SESSION 8 15.45--16.10: An Automated Proof Technique for Finite--state Machine Equivalence, W Mao, G Milne (Strathclyde U). 16.10--16.35: From data structures to process structures, E Brinksma (Twente U). 16.35--17.00: Checking for Language Inclusion Using Simulation Relations, D L Dill, A J Hu, H Wong--Toi. 17.00--17.25: Semantics Driven Method to Check the Finiteness of CCS Processes, N de Francesco, P Inverardi (Pisa U). WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 SESSION 9 9.00--9.25: Using the HOL prove assistant for proving the correctness of term rewriting rules reducing terms of sequential behaviour}, M Mutz (Passau). 9.25--9.50: Mechanizing a Proof by Induction of Process Algebra Specifications in Higher Order Logic}, M Nesi (Cambridge U). 9.50--10.15: A Two-Level Formal Verification Methodology using HOL and COSMOS, C--J Seger, J J Joyce (University of British Columbia). 10.15--10.40: Efficient Algorithms for Verification of Equivalences for Probabilistic Processes, L Christoff, I Christoff (Uppsala U). 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 10 11.10--11.35: Partial-Order Model Checking: A Guide for the Perplexed, D K Probst, H F Li. 11.35--12.00: Using partial orders for the efficient verification of deadlock freedom and safety properties, P Godefroid, P Wolper. 12.00--12.25: Complexity Results for POMSET Languages, J Feigenbaum (AT&T), J A Kahn (Harward). 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 11 14.00--14.25: Mechanically Verifying Safety and Liveness Properties of Delay Insensitive Circuits, D M Goldschlag. 14.25--14.50: Automating most parts of hardware tools in HOL, K Schneider, R Kumar, T Kropf. 15.00--22.00: Excursion & Banquet THURSDAY, JULY 4 SESSION 13 9.00--9.50: Invited Speaker, Joseph Sifakis (IMAG): Timed Specification Formalisms: an overview. 9.50--10.15: Minimum and Maximum Delay Problems In Real-Time Systems, C Courcoubetis, M Yannakakis (AT&T). 10.15--10.40: Formal Verification of Speed-Dependent Asynchronous Circuits Using Symbolic Model Checking of Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi, Hiromi Hiraishi, Shuzo Yahima. 10.40--11.10: Coffee Break SESSION 14 11.10--11.35: Verifying Properties of HMS Machine Specifications of Real-Time Systems, A Gabrielian, R Iyer. 11.35--12.00: A Linear Time Process Algebra, A Jeffrey (Chalmers) 12.20--12.25: Deciding Properties for Regular Real Timed Processes, U Holmer, K Larsen, W Yi. 12.25--14.00: Lunch SESSION 15 14.00--14.25: From S/R models to Boolean processes, C. Corcoubetis, S. Graf, J. Sifakis. 14.25--14.50: Comparing Generic State Machines, M. Langevin, E. Cerny. 14.50--15.15: An Automata Theoretic approach to Temporal Logic, G G de Jong. DEMONSTRATIONS Please find enclosed a call for demonstration of (verification) tools. Demonstration of tools is planned to take place during coffee breaks and in parallel with presentations neighbouring coffee breaks. The demonstations will take place near the Auditorium for presentations. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATION Aalborg is the fourth largest city of Denmark with approximately 200.000 inhabitants, and is situated approximately 100 km north of Aarhus. Moreover, Aalborg is very close to the Danish west coast (approximately 40 km to Blokhus and L{\o}kken) which is certainly well worth a visit in the summer. The organizers have arranged for accommodation at Limfjordshotellet (single DKK 550,- and double DKK 800,-), andc in addition at an unspecified hotel of tourist standard (in the range DKK 300,- -- 500,-). All hotels are conveniently situated in the very center of Aalborg and not far from the railway station. Please find enclosed with this program a hotel reservation form. Deadline for hotel reservation is May 24th. The workshop itself will take place in the buildings of Aalborg University, which is some 7 km from the city center. Transportation between the hotels and the University will be provided, and in addition one may use the existing bus services number 11 and 20. TRANSPORTATION If you want to travel by plane, there are several daily connections from Copenhagen. When arriving at Aalborg Airport, you can conveniently use the special Airport bus (approximately DKK 25,-) towards Aalborg city as it stops just opposite Limfjordshotellet (the very first stop after the Limfjords--bridge). Alternatively, you can take a taxi, costing approximately DKK 70,-. If you arrive at the Railway Station in Aalborg you be just opposite Park Hotel; to go to Limfjordshotellet you may choose to take a 10 minutes walk (there is a city map inside the arrival hall of the Railway Station) or you may take a taxi (approximately DKK 30,-). REGISTRATION Please find enclosed with this program a registration form. The prize for registration (DKK 1600,-) includes proceedings and a copy of the final LNCS publication, transportation between hotel and University, lunches, reception, excursion, and workshop banquet. Deadline for registration is May 24th. A registration desk will operate in Limfjordshotellet on Sunday, June 30, 7--9 pm. From Monday through Thursday, there will be a registration and information desk outside the Auditorium at the University. ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONES You may find the following addresses useful: Limfjordshotellet, Ved Stranden 14--16, 9100 Aalborg. Phone +45 98164333. Telex: 69516 lim; Telefax: +45 98161747. Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University Center, Fredrik Bajersvej 7, 9220 Aalborg. Telephone: +45 98158522 (through switch board) or +45 98 154211 (wait--for--tone) 5017 (direct). E--mail: Telefax: +45 98158129. SOCAIL EVENTS Sunday, 30 June, 19.00--21.00: Opening registration and gatering at Limfjordshotellet, Ved Stranden 14--16. Monday, 1 July, 19.00: Reception at the Art Museum of North Jutland. Wednesday, 3 July, 15.00: Excursion to the Danish west coast (Slette Strand --- remember to bring swimming suits!) followed by Workshop banquet. Transportation by bus leaving at 15.00 from the Auditorium at the University. C O N F E R E N C E O R G A N I Z A T I O N STEERING COMMITTEE E.M. Clarke (Carnegie--Mellon University), R.P. Kurshan (At\& T Bell Laboratories), K.G. Larsen (Aalborg University), A. Pnueli (Weizmann Institue), J. Sifakis (LGI--IMAG). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE K.G. Larsen, A. Skou (Aalborg University). PROGRAM COMMITTEE Gregor Bochmann (U. Montreal), Robert Brayton (U. California, Berkeley), Ed Brinksma (Twente U.), Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon), Rance Cleaveland (N.C. State), Olivier Coudert (Bull), Costas Courcoubetis (U. Crete), David Cohen (Bell Core), Werner Damm (U. Oldenburg), David Dill (Stanford U.), Allen Emerson (U. Texax, Austin), Masahiro Fujita (Fujutsu), Orna Grumberg (Technion), Hiromi Hiraishi (Kyoto U.), Gerard Holtzmann (AT&T Bell Labs), Bengt Jonsson (SICS), Kurt Keutzer (AT&T Bell Labs), Harry Lewis (Harvard), Michael Lightner (U.Colorado), George Milne (U. Strathclyde), Willem deRoever (Kiel U.), Prasad Sistla (GTE Labs), Colin Stirling (Edinburgh U.), P.A. Subrahmanyam (AT&T Bell Labs), Pierre Wolper (U. Liege), Michael Yoeli (Technion). -cut--------------------------------------------------------------------- C A V 9 1 R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M Name: ________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Date: _____________ Signature: ______________ The registration fee is DKK 1600,-. It covers workshop lunches and refreshments, the participant proceedings, reception, and an excursion (including the banquet dinner) on July 3rd to the west coast of Northern Jutland. PAYMENT: Payment of registration fee should be made by banker's cheque drawn on a Danish bank and in Danish Kroner (private cheques will not be accepted). The cheque should be made payable to: CAV '91, c/o Aalborg Tourist Bureau, {\O}steraa 8, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark. Please return this form and PAYMENT NOT LATER THAN MAY 24th to the registration secretary: CAV '91 Aalborg Tourist Bureau {\O}steraa 8 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark phone: $+$45 98 12 63 55 fax: $+$45 98 16 69 22 The form may be sent via telefax followed by the cheque via snailmail. -cut------------------------------------------------------------------------ C A V ' 9 1 H O T E L R E S E R V A T I O N F O R M Name: ________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ FAX: ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Please reserve hotel room for me according to the following: Single Double Limfjordshotellet _ _ (single room DKK 550,-, (_) (_) double room DKK 800,-) Unspecified hotel of tourist _ _ standard in the range of DKK (_) (_) 300,- to 500,- Date of arrival: ____ Date of departure: ______ Date: _______________ Signature: ______________ Please return this form NO LATER THAN MAY 24th to the registration secretary: CAV '91 Aalborg Tourist Bureau {\O}steraa 8 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark phone: $+$45 98 12 63 55 fax: $+$45 98 16 69 22 The form may be sent via telefax. --cut---------------------------------------------------------------- C A V ' 9 1 D E M O N S T R A T I O N F O R M During the conference there will be arranged sessions for demonstration of verification tools. For those of you who want to use this opportunity, please indicate your requirements below concerning hardware and software for such a demonstration. As a standard facility we will make a number of SUN4 machines available (SUN UNIX-OS version 4.1.1), and we will offer to initiate the execution of standard installation jobs before the conference. Also, we will on request make accounts available for running FTP's and remote installation jobs. Requirements going beyond the above will be fulfilled as far as possible, but our resources are limited. For example, we have a number of MAC's and we can also contact the computing center of our campus in order to allow for remote usage of VAX's. (The campus is covered by an Ethernet). The filled out form should be returned to one of the local organisers (Kim Larsen, Arne Skou) at Aalborg University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fredrik Bajersvej 7, Bygn. E, DK-9220 Aalborg, DENMARK NAME OF TOOL: ________________________________________ NAME OF AUTHOR(S); ___________________________________ ADDRESS OF AUTHOR (including e-mail, fax, phone): ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS: machine, OS, disk, RAM, Windows, remote connection,.. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ -cut--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arne Skou Internet: Institute for electronic systems Aalborg University Fredrik Bajers vej 7, 9220 Aalborg DENMARK. (W) +45 98 15 85 22 (H) +45 98 39 17 81 -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell