mars (12/09/82)
The following information on the Commodore 64 was supplied by the Commodore Customer Support Facility. The C-64 has 16 colors with a max combination of 256. The 320x200 resolution is a real bit map. Each pixel can be individually accessed. The storage capacity of the disk drive (Commodore 1541) is 170K with a 9K baud data transfer rate. Serial access. There is an expansion port for game cartridges. The C-64 has built in serial and parallel ports. The C-64 has 64K of ram, 20K of rom. A third party vendor will be suppling emulators for Apple, Atari, and TRS80 for the C-64 next year. As far as ordering one (at the unheard of price of $463.00).... Price: $463.00 This includes tax and shipping to Indian Hill BTL, Naperville, IL. Delivery: Approx. 6 weeks after receipt of order. I'm awaiting information concerning delivery to locations other than Indian Hill. I'll post that as soon as i find out. If you are interested, I'll need written commitment. Send mail to: ihuxa!mars