[comp.parallel] PCA Workshop Bonn: agenda

wouter@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (Wouter Joosen) (05/13/91)

9              Esprit Parallel Computing Action

                Bonn Workshop 27-29 May 1991

9first update of the final agenda (08.05.1991)

           Sunday May 26
           Time    Title                   Room
8           _____________________________________
           17.00   Registration Opens      Foyer
           19.00   Informal Get Together   Bar
8           _____________________________________

Monday May 27
Time     Title                                                        Room

09.00    Welcome: Prof. Trottenberg                                   S5-6
09.30    Tutorial 1:Dr. Simon De Leeuw                                S5-6
         - University of Amsterdam
         "Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Parallel Architectures"
10.20    Coffee,Demo set 1                                            S3,S4,S10
10.50    Tutorial 2:Dr. Willy Zwaenepoel                              S5-6
         - Rice University
         "Munin: Design and Implementation of a
         Shared Memory Interface on a Message Passing Architecture"
11.40    H1 Perspectives                                              S5-6
         Archipel:Jean-Marie Fest/Christian Tricot
         Meiko:Patrick Evans
         Parsytec:Chatah Mahmoud
         Perihelion:Alex Schuilenberg
         Telmat:Sylvain Flierrer
         Transtech:Bee Singh
12.40    Lunch
13.40    Special interest groups
         Development Tools and Environments (Wouter Joosen)           S1
         Simulation and Numerical Algorithms (John Perram)            S2
         Real Time and Industrial Systems (P. Fleming/C. Caerts)      S5-6
         Signal Processing and Neural Networks (Ioannis Pitas)        S5-6
16.00h   Coffee/Demo set 1                                            S3,S4,S10
16.30    Special interest groups
         Development Tools and Environments                           S1
         Simulation and Numerical Algorithms                          S2
         Real Time and Industrial Systems                             S5-6
         Signal Processing and Neural Networks                        S8
18.00h   Dinner
19.30h   One commercial                                               S5-6
20.00h   Opening Poster Session                                       Galery
         Demo set 1                                                   S3,S4,S10
20.30h   Strand Users Meeting (Stephen Turner)                        S5-6

                     Drinks offered by

Tuesday May 28
Time     Title                                                  Room
09.00    Tutorial 3:Michael Goldsmith - Formal Systems Europe   S5-6
         "Safety-Critical Systems"
09.50    Tutorial 4:Dr. Frank Smieja - G.M.D. Guest             S5-6
         "Neural Networks"
10.40    Coffee/Demo set 2                                      S3,S4,S10
11.10    Education & Training (I.Pitas)                         S5-6
13.00    Lunch
14.00    Systems Groups
         CStools (Chris Caerts/Patrick Evans)                   S1
         Helios (Wouter Joosen/Alex Schuilenberg)               S2
         Occam (Peter Fleming/Geoff Barrett)                    S5-6
15.30h   Coffee/Demo set 2                                      S3,S4,S10
16.00h   Demo at GMD/Demo set 2                                 S3,S4,S10
19.00h   Dinner                                                 G.M.D.

Wednesday May 29
Time     Title                                                     Room
09.00    Special interest groups
         Development Tools and Environments (Wouter Joosen)        S1
         Simulation and Numerical Algorithms (John Perram)         S2
         Real Time and Industrial Systems (P. Fleming/C. Caerts)   S5-6
         Signal Processing and Neural Networks (Ioannis Pitas)     S8
11.00h   Coffee/Demo set 3                                         S3,S4,S10
11.30    Special interest groups
         Development Tools and Environments                        S1
         Simulation and Numerical Algorithms                       S2
         Real Time and Industrial Systems                          S5-6
         Signal Processing and Neural Networks                     S4
13.00h   Lunch
14.00h   Demo set 3                                                S3,S4,S10
14.30h   Final Session                                             S5-6
15.30h   Closedown

                   Special Interest Group

             Development Tools and Environments

1.  Monday May 27

13.40h   J.M. Adamo, J. Bonneville, C. Bonello, P. Moukeli, N. Alhafez, L. Trejo
         Developing A High Level Programming Environment for Supernode:
         A Progress Report
14.00h   Jean Pierre Briot, Philippe Gautron,
         Sylvie Lemarie, Loic Lescaudron, Hayssam Saleh,
         Development of an Environment for Specification and Execution of
         Active Objects on Parallel Machines
14.20h   A. Ciampolini, A. Corradi, L. Leonardi
         SEMPER: State of the art and trends
14.40h   W. Joosen, Y. Berbers, M. Snyers, P. Verbaeten
         MOCKAPS: a MOdular Communication Kernel for Adaptive Parallel Software
15.00h   Maarten van Steen
         The Dynamite Project and Experiences with Strand
15.20h   Neil Davies, Derek J. Paddon
         Management of Arbitrary Large Virtual Data Stores
         in a Message Passing Environment
15.40h   G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, A. Stafylopatis, S. Kollias
         The Transputer Implementation of a parallel attribute Grammar Evaluator
16.00h   Coffee/Demos
16.30h   Sanjay Raina, David Warren, James Cowie
         Parallel Prolog on Scalable Multiprocessors
16.50h   Andre-Luc Beylot, Herve Debar, Monique Becker
         Modeling of the hypercubes from a detailed model to a generic one
         - solutions to avoid deadlock in the model
17.10h   S. Donatelli, G. Franceschinis, A. Mazzeo, N. Mazzocca, M. Ribaudo
         Tools for Parallel Software Development and Evaluation
17.30h   S. Donatelli, V. Malenchino
         Toward s Parallel Solutions for Strochastic Petri Nets
17.50h   R. J. Loader, B. J. Evans
         A Report on Heterogeneous Machines

2.  Wednesday May 29

09.00h   M. Loi, B. Tourancheau
         Trollius an easy-to-use programming environment
         for distributed multicomputers
09.20h   R. Luling, B. Monien, F. Ramme
         Load Balancing in Large Networks: A Comparative Study
09.40h   G. Buonanno, N. Scarabottolo
         Project 4034: State of the project
10.00h   P. Van Renterghem
         An X11-based Environment for Data-Parallel Programming
         on Transputer Systems
10.20h   Pierre Vincent
         Dynamic Interconnection for Transputers
10.40h   Shirley A. Williams
         Using Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools
         to Design and Develop Parallel Programs
11.00h   Coffee/Demos
11.30h   Discussion

                   Special Interest Group

            Simulations and Numerical Algorithms

1.  Monday May 27

13:40   Re-Configuration Vesus Fixed Topology
        Desprez F., Tourancheau B.
14:05   A Time-Parallel Multigrid Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations
        Horton G.
14:30   Parallelization of Boundary Element Method
        on Distributed Memory Computers
        Daodi E.M., Lobry J.
14:55   Parallel Solvers for Tridiagonal Linear Systems
        Amodio P., Brugnano L., Politi T.
15:20   Parallel resolution of block-tridiagonal Markov system
        Le Gall F.
15:45   General Discussion
16:30   Large Linear Algebra Algorithms on Transputer Meshes
        Di Zitti E., Bisio G.M., Chirico M.
16:55   Load Balanced Adaptive Multiple Grids
        on Distributed Memory Computers
        De Keyser J., Roose D.
17:20   On Distributed Unification PLANT: Parallel Deductive Plan Generation
        PCA 4014
        Sanguanpong S.

2.  Wednesday May 29

09:00   Projekt # 4009 Task Force Performance Monitor Parallel Preprocessor
        for Testpattern Generation Perspectives in Time Warp Synchronisation
        Ortner H., Utecht T., Post H.U.
09:25   Distributed Simulation of Queueing Networks
        on a Network of Transputers
        Meister G., Mattern F., Richter J.
09:50   Parallel Symbolic Compaction og Digital CMOS Cells on
        a 2-D Mesh of Transputers
        Caviglia D.D., Barzaghi M., Chirico M.,
        Curatelli F., Bisio G.M., Prossen S., Stefani L.
10:15   A Simulation Testbed for Distributed Discrete Even-Driven Simulations
        Verboven F., Tallieu F., Peeters G.
11:30   Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Water on Transputer Arrays
        using the Ewald Summation Method
        Kolafa, J., Perram, J.W. Petersen, H.G.
11:55   General Discussion
        Apart from scientific aspects, this discussion could also raise
        questions of future collaboration within the coming round of
        the Community's research projects.

                   Special Interest Group

              Real Time and Industrial Systems

1.  Monday May 27

Joint session with the Signal Processing and Neural Networks

H. Paugam-Moisy
"Parallelizing multilayer neural networks"

A. Petrowski, G. Dreyfus, C. Girault
"Performance of a pipelined backpropagation
algorithm on a parallel computer"

P. Resende, J. Delgado, O. Meahla, L. Sousa, V. Vargas
"PARSEC-a progress report"

A. Omodeo, M. Pugassi, N. Scarabottolo
"Parallel implementation of image
compression: a transputer-based case study"

M. Blunck
"An image processing environment
for hybrid transputer networks"


2.  Wednesday May 29

"Interconnection Networks"

M.T. de Pedro, A. Ribeiro, J.L. Pedraza, J.Salido,
"Parallel computing for distributed production systems"
R. Larsen, L. Overgaard, N. Jacobsen, B. Truelsen, M. Leonard, J. Immerkaer,
"Autonomous multiple robot operation in structured environments"
P. Franchi, G. Succi, G. Vercelli,
"Progressing in parallel computing at DIST"
P.J. Fleming, D.I. Jones, A.J. Chipperfield,
"Parallel software applications for control system design"
J.P.E. Sunter, A.W.P. Bakkers,
"List scheduling While loops on transputers"
C.H.C. Leung, H.T. Ghogomu, K.L. Mannock,
"Processor allocation for parallel operations in database processing"
R. Cuyvers, C. Caerts, R. Lauwereins and J.A. Peperstraete
"A Fault-Tolerant Message passing service for
Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessing"


                   Special Interest Group

           Signal Processing and Neural Networks

1.  Monday May 26

Joint session with the Real Time and Industrial Systems

H. Paugam-Moisy
"Parallelizing multilayer neural networks"

A. Petrowski, G. Dreyfus, C. Girault
"Performance of a pipelined backpropagation
algorithm on a parallel computer"

P. Resende, J. Delgado, O. Meahla, L. Sousa, V. Vargas
"PARSEC-a progress report"

A. Omodeo, M. Pugassi, N. Scarabottolo
"Parallel implementation of image
compression: a transputer-based case study"

M. Blunck
"An image processing environment
for hybrid transputer networks"


2.  Wednesday May 29

P. Ligdas, I. Pitas
"Vector radix 2x2 FFT implementation on a transputer machine"

E. Auge, I. Pitas
"Segmentation of color images by using the learning vector quantizer"

K. Adamson, G. Donnan
"Case study: a physiological model of the human cochlea"

L. Vuurpijl et al
"Control and Visualization of the Neural
Networks within the Preens Project"

G. Glentis, N. Kalouptsidis, T. Bouras,
"Efficient Implementation of fast algorithms for filtering and
system identification in a parallel programming environment"


              Education and training session

                       Tuesday May 28

I. Jaseniak
"Advance course on parallel computing"

G. Vidal-Naquet, F. Mourlin
"Use of a transputer network for teaching parallel programming"

K.G. Margaritis
"A course on parallel-systolic algorithms using transputers and OCCAM"

N.J. Jacobsen, J.W. Perram, H.G. Petersen
"Education and training in parallel computing"

J. P. Veltkamp
"Parallel programming courses at TU Eindhoven"

M. Engels
"Image processing project on a M10 using CS-tools"

P. Fleming
"Parallel processing for real-time systems: a primer course"

S.A. Williams
"A report on the experiences of teaching parallel processing
on a variety of architectures"

J. Delgado
"PARSEC-Education and training"

K. Adamson, G. Donnan
"Parallel processing and educational practice"

University of Erlangen
"Massive Parallel SIMD architectures in education and training"

University of Ghent
"Parallel programming course at the University of Ghent".


                      Poster session

Similator Coupling Project
J.W.G.-University Frankfurt am Main (PCA 4024)

Research Activities at the ESAT Laboratory of the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven Group ACCA
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (PCA 4043)

Concurrent Processing in CADCS
Rijksuniversiteit Gent (PCA 4051)

Parallel Geometry Processing for CAD
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design
Technology (PCA 4095)

Parallelisation of a Predator-Prey Simulation using Time Warp
University of Exeter (PCA 4112)

DIOGENES : A Fine-Grain Parallel Algorithm with Coarse-Grain
Communication Requirements
University of Dortmund (PCA 4117)

C_NET : a Virtual Machine for a Dynamically Reconfigurable
LIP Laboratory

Using the T-Node at IRISA-IFSIC
University of Rennes

=========================== MODERATOR ==============================
Steve Stevenson                            {steve,fpst}@hubcap.clemson.edu
Department of Computer Science,            comp.parallel
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell