[comp.parallel] Latest Starlisp Simulator and Getting Started Guide Available

massar@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU (JP Massar) (06/04/91)

Thinking Machines is pleased to announce that the latest *Lisp Simulator is
freely available.  The *Lisp Simulator is a simulator for *Lisp, one of the
programming languages used to program the Connection Machine.

Thinking Machines now provides free, with the *Lisp Simulator, an on-line
'Getting Started in *Lisp' manual.  This manual is also available (as of
6/15/91) in hardcopy without charge from Thinking Machines (see ordering *Lisp
documentation below)

The *Lisp Simulator is available via anonymous ftp in the /public directory
of think.com.  The file that can be ftp'ed is a Unix 'shar' file called


(where f19 may be replaced in the future by a higher release number)

The F19 version of the *Lisp Simulator is compatible with the latest *Lisp
software (version 6.0 and the future 6.1 release) for the Connection
Machine hardware.  It is written in portable CLtL I.

This sharfile provides the necessary sources and systems for the *Lisp
Simulator to run under Symbolics, Lucid, Allegro and Franz Common Lisps.
Porting the *Lisp Simulator to other Common Lisp's is generally a simple

The 'Getting Started in *Lisp' manual is available free of charge.  Other
documentation for the *Lisp language is available at cost from Thinking
Machines Corporation.  The *Lisp Reference Manual and the Dictionary
together are $100.  Send a request and/or a check or a purchase order to:

Thinking Machines Corporation
245 First Street 
Cambridge, MA  02142-1264
Attn:  Katy Smith

Or by sending e-mail to:                                            
Internet:	documentation-order@think.com               
uucp:		harvard!think!documentation-order           

Note: People wishing to distribute the *Lisp Simulator should distribute it
using the sharfile in /public and not from the sources provided on-site at
Connection Machine customer installations, since these sources do not
provide all the documentation, instructions and auxiliary files useful in
installing the *Lisp Simulator at a non Connection Machine site.

Caveat: Thinking Machines will continue to provide support for the *Lisp
Simulator for Thinking Machine's Connection Machine customers.  Thinking
Machines is under no obligation to provide support for other users of the
*Lisp Simulator, either in porting or using it.

-- JP Massar, Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge, MA
-- ihnp4!think!massar, massar@think.com
-- 617-876-1111