[comp.parallel] Michael Carter's E-mail address

ohnacker1@urz.unibas.ch (06/06/91)

Hi netters,

here at University of Basel we are glad to have a MasPar SLALOM code written by
Michael Carter (we got it via ftp).
There was no problem to compile it, but when we started the program it 
immediately stopped with the message:

"Program requires more ACU memory than is available
 Unable to initialize the DPU

We suppose that our 'problem' is the system software upgrade we made a few 
weeks ago (release 2.0) and that now more (too much) ACU-memory is occupied 
than before. We are very interested in contacting Michael Carter (AMES 
Laboratory), but too bad: we don't have his E-mail address !!!  Therefore:

Could anybody be so kind to help us in sending Michael Carter's E-mail adress?

Thanks a lot!

                                                       Peter Ohnacker

      Peter Ohnacker                           E-mail:ohnacker1@urz.unibas.ch
 Institut fuer Informatik
    Universitaet Basel
   Mittlere Strasse 142
      CH  4056 Basel

davis@csrg2.ee.iastate.edu (Jim Davis) (06/07/91)

ohnacker1@urz.unibas.ch writes:
>Michael Carter (we got it via ftp).

One of Carter's addresses is  carter@sisyphus.al.iastate.edu  (

=========================== MODERATOR ==============================
Steve Stevenson                            {steve,fpst}@hubcap.clemson.edu
Department of Computer Science,            comp.parallel
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell