[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Graphic Primitives

pom@under..ARPA (Peter O. Mikes) (04/30/88)

Primitives wanted
	               I  am  getting started with Amiga graphics and
 I  would like  advice, tips and pointers to Graphic Primitives for Amiga
 i.e (Manx) .c procedures on the level of cgi (or GKS ... ) graphic  standards
 e.g.	things like line_color(color_index),polygon(point_list),..

 source sources / book references / ftp addresses / fish disk numbers etc etc
 will be gratefully appreciated.

 All I was able to find so far  corresponds to the level of  (e.g.)
 Sun's  pixcrect, and that presents a fairly steep learning curve. 

 	There should be some intermediate level - which would (e.g.)
 allow one to open a window with  a blue circle in it - without having
 to grok all the parameters of the window e.t.c. structures. This medium
 level would set most parameters to a reasonable defaults and just ask the
 user to specify 1) RGB of interior color, radius and center of circle,
 and lets say one int index ws for 'window_style'  - and  then
   cc circle.c and  presto:  we got a first picture...
    then - let's add something to make the circle to move and smile...
   If there is nothing 	like that available - I would like to call on
 all  primitive-lovers to cooperatively develop such semi-standard medium level
 graphic library.  I say 'semi' since I would like to have these primitives
 n-dimensional ( with n=>2, e.g. a ball (3-d) moving (2_d)across screen is
 a 5-d (dynamic) primitive - and I  do not know of any n>3_d standarts).
	It would have to be PD so that users can have source and
 learn _by_play i.e. by observing effects of modification...

 Please e-mail the tips and sources (and  requests for summary as well ) to

   Peter || pom    at     pom@under.s1.gov ||  pom@s1-under.UUCP

 P.S. That means  that I would also  appreciate full reference
     +  publishers/address/phone/price  info for things like:
 "...Mortimore's book plus Rob Peck's Programmer's Guide to the Amiga,
    supplemented with the 1.2 Native Developers' Kit from CBM.."
                        (I said I am starting, not I started, right? ) Peter
                                   comp.sys.amiga.tech Graphic Primitives