[comp.sys.amiga.tech] PDC Development

petersen@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu (05/26/88)

Well,  I thought about posting the announcement of a new (1.0 very alpha)
version of PDC here instead of comp.sys.amiga.  But I thought the general
interest of a GOOD FREE C compiler would make it better to post to the
more general group.  However the people who will can help the most and
will benefit the most are the one's reading comp.sys.amiga.tech

Please refer to the note in comp.sys.amiga for the details.

On to a technical question (this is .tech)

I've made a stab at adding floating point operations to PDC and was trying
to find a good automatic way of determining at link or run time if any
calls to the floating point glue routines will be made.  I'm sure all of
the other compilers have had this problem so what do I do so I don't have
to load the IEEE floating point library if it's an integer only program?



Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Domain address:  petersen@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
UUCP:    {ihnp4,uunet,convex}!uiucuxc!uicsrd!petersen
ARPANET: petersen%uicsrd@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
CSNET:   petersen%uicsrd@uiuc.csnet
BITNET:  petersen@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu

cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) (05/28/88)

In article <24600001@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu> petersen@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu writes:
->I've made a stab at adding floating point operations to PDC and was trying
->to find a good automatic way of determining at link or run time if any
->calls to the floating point glue routines will be made.  I'm sure all of
->the other compilers have had this problem so what do I do so I don't have
->to load the IEEE floating point library if it's an integer only program?

Sounds like a good place for a command line switch (-f maybe) that would
enable floating point 'glue' in the crt0 file (uh, that's c.o for the

--Chuck McManis
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: cmcmanis  ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.