[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Possible Manx MAKE bug?


I have just found a bug in Manx's MAKE program.  I have a makefile that
has a pre-compiled include file called "app.pre".  Certain modules need
it. Others don't.  "app.pre" is a file that includes a series of header
files.  The definition to create app.pre was like:

APPH = app.h this.h that.h foo.h bar.h thing.h
APPO =       this.o that.o foo.o bar.o thing.o

$(APPO) : app.pre

app.pre : $(APPH)
       cc $(PFLAGS) +Happ.pre app.h

Now, each time I added a module to the program, I would add an include for
its header into app.h and then the makefile lines APPH and APPO would get
newguy.h and newguy.o added.  I hope I'm understood.

NOTE:  I know there are easier ways to do this by using $*.o, or $(APP).o
or etc but the makefile is much more complex than the above and it
required the above form.

Now, the problem (which I didn't see) was that I had:

APPH = app.h this.h that.h foo.h bar.h thing.o
APPO =       this.o that.o foo.o bar.o thing.o

(Notice that thing.o in the first line should be thing.h.)

This creates a recursive definition and makes MAKE bomb.  Can someone
report this to Manx?  (Hey guys, I turn on stack-checking... why don't


P.S.  The bug isn't too bad since the right macros would prevent stupid
operator errors like the above :-).  The problem here was that Sunday
(June 25th) there was:
     My Amiga started guruing for "no reason" while using "make".
     My disks developed serious errors (bless you DiskSalv!  Fuck you
cheap 3.5" disks.  I'll never buy no-names from a mail-order company again!)
     A new wave of solar flares. (Heard it on "The Sky Report" on WDHA.)
     A full moon.

It serves me right for planning on getting work done over a weekend! :-)

A     //            Tom Limoncelli -- TLimonce@Drew.Bitnet              \
M    //   "Never trust a person that doesn't know machine language!"     \
I \\//                                                                   /\
G  XX                "Have you hugged your SO today?"                   /  \
A --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  "The above are my views, not those of Drew University or my employer"
              See ya in Philly for the 4th of July, right?