[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Execute flaw

rokicki@polya.Stanford.EDU (Tomas G. Rokicki) (07/14/88)

In article <2148@cadovax.UUCP> Keith wrote:
>	1. boot a vanilla workbench, no custom Assigns in startup-sequence
>	   required.
>	2. put application disk in df1: or df2: or ??(and disk can be 
>	   named anything)
>	3. click on drawer icon on application disk to open drawer named 
>	   "appl" which contains subdirectory "stuff".
>	4. click on application icon in drawer "appl"
>	5. application does an Execute("run stuff/subpart",0,0);
>					 ^^^^^^ note relative to application's
>						current dir, "appl"
>	6. "subpart" program does an Open("datafile",...).  Where datafile
>	   is a relative reference (either to "appl" or "stuff", I could work
>	   within either constraint).
>	7. All of this stuff will still work flawlessly if you copy the entire
>	   application disk into a subdirectory on a hard disk.

You need one of the later versions of Pete Goodeve's XIcon (or the new
IconX, I believe) that understands how to set the current directory.
Then, since XIcon will start your project from a CLI, all your Execute'd
stuff will inheirit the appropriate directory, path, and other good stuff.

This is my main gripe with DMouse; by not being willing to throw away
a single CLI, he has really restricted the usefulness of subshells.
Folks, I set up my environment, path, and default working directory,
*then* call one of the PopCLI things (mackie, in this case) so all my
popped CLI's are useable.
