[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Do We Want IBM Compatibility?

malc@tahoe.unr.edu (Malcolm L. Carlock) (09/28/88)

In article <661@wsccs.UUCP> dharvey@wsccs.UUCP (David Harvey) writes:
>So what is it Amiga owners?  Do you want a more powerful Amiga or
>IBM compatibility?

I currently own an Amiga 2000, but I use an AT clone in my paying job.
Putting a bridge card and some other IBM-side goodies into Amy will allow
me to use her at work.  The Project we're working on is more or less locked
into an IBM-PC environment, but there are a number of things at work besides
The Project that I could be using Amy for, with the added incentive that
I would be doing them in the Amy environment and not in single-tasking-go-to-
lunch-during-long-compiles MS-DOG.

Eventually, I hope to upgrade Amy to a 2500, allowing me (theoretically...)
to have both MS-DOS and Unix, not to mention AmigaDOS, running in the same
box -- allowing me to do lots o' pow'ful work all in the same place.

Darn tootin' I want (and need) IBM compatibility!!  And darn tootin' I want
a pow'ful Amiga!!  However, it seems (again, in theory) that both are
possible.  So what's the problem?

. . . Well, there IS one small problem . . .

I'm still waiting for the 80286-based version of the bridge card.
Where Is It?????

Malcolm L. Carlock
malc@tahoe.unr.edu.UUCP		       University of Nevada, Reno