[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Stack Size Survey results

phils@tekigm2.TEK.COM (Philip E Staub) (11/12/88)

First of all, I'd like to thank all those who took the time to reply to my
stack size survey request. I received about 20 replies, many of them with 
some well thought out and appreciated comments.

Somewhat as I had expected, the answers varied all over the map. Several
people were happy with the 4K default stack size, but for purposes of
programming, most preferred a stack anywhere from 10K to 32K. And one even
went up to 60K. (After all, memory is cheap, right? 8-( ).

Also, not surprisingly, most people indicated that they set up some
particular stack size and use it for all purposes. This means they usually
set it to the largest size they feel they will ever need, and use that size
even for things which require far less than the default.

For purposes of trying to categorize the summary which follows, I'll divide
it into three sections. The first will be the stack size which people use
for most "everyday" applications, such as editors, terminal emulators,
background processes such as dmouse, shells, etc. The second group consists 
of programming environments. For people who didn't explicitly identify the 
size they use for these two categories, I assumed they use the same size for
both. The third group consists of some comments about specific programs.

For the first two categories, I count one "vote" for each answer. Also, I've
rounded the sizes to the nearest 'K', so that an answer of either 4000 or 
4096 will be reported as 4K.

Final Vote Tally:

        Size(K)  Applications     Programming
        4        4                2
        8        1                2
        10       2                2
        11       1                1
        16       2                2
        20       1                2
        25       2                2
        30       3                3
        32       1                1
        60       1                1

Comments about specific programs (K):

Lattice C                         10
Manx C                            8
TDI Modula-2                      30
Absoft FORTRAN linker             up to 50
Maple                             256(!)
nethack                           25
dbw_render                        up to 50
uudecode                          16
shar                              16
AmigaTeX                          10
QRT2                              10

Some general comments:

There are two basic ways to monitor stack utilization. 

First, both of the major compilers have options for compilation which 
allow run-time stack checking at the expense of slightly larger program 
size and slightly slower program execution. Second, is to initialize the 
entire stack to some known character before program execution begins and 
check to see how many bytes of the stack were overwritten when the program 

The first method works if you have the source available or if the author has
compiled the program with stack checking enabled.

The second method conceivably would not have these restrictions, because 
it implies the availability of a stack monitor program which runs the
program under test unmodified, and handles the initialization of the stack 
before and the checking of the stack after running the program. However, the
results may not be reliable, because merely allocating an automatic array on
the stack does not guarantee that any given element of that array will ever
be touched by the routine which allocates it (or any other routine which
that routine calls). 

Consider the following example. Upon entry to a particular routine, we
have 4000 bytes of stack left. This routine (we'll call it 'foo') has 3
automatic variables allocated: 'i' a long integer, 'j' an array of 2000
long integers, and 'k' another long integer, declared in that order.
Upon entry to the routine, stack space is allocated at offsets of -4,
-8004, and -8008 bytes from the frame pointer for 'i', 'j', and 'k' 
respectively. Now lets say we write a value into 'k'. Notice that since we
only have 4000 bytes left on the stack, the bottom of the area which we
are authorized to touch ends at an offset of -4000 bytes from the frame
pointer. Access to 'k' is almost certainly in an address range which
does not belong to this process, and it is definitely not in the range
allocated for its stack.  If we're lucky, we won't hit anything
important when we change it, and the user will never know the
difference, at least until we try to run 'foo' in a slightly different
environment in which the access to 'k' creates such havoc as destroying
the memory free list, or corruption of the stack or even alteration of the
code of another running process. Talk about your basic impossible to
track down bug.

Also, consider the case in which no element of 'j' is changed. In this
case the stack monitor program would never notice that the limits of
the stack had been violated, because there would be no way to tell it
to check beyond the bottom of the stack for values which may have been
illegally changed, as in the case of modifying 'k'.

All this points to the fact that in a non-memory protected, multitasking
envioronment like the Amiga, stack overflow bugs can be some of the most
insidious to try to track down. 

Consider this as a plea for any automatic variable larger than 100 bytes or
so to be 'malloc()'ed' (or AllocMem()'ed), rather than allocated on the

Oh, yes. I almost forgot. I promised to let you know how things worked out
for me at 25K instead of 10K. The answer... things are much more stable.

Sorry if this seemed to ramble on, but hopefully some of it will be
enlightening to someone.

Happy hacking,
Phil Staub        
Tektronix, Inc., Vancouver, Washington 98668