[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Do you need contiguous memory to expand rad: ?

papa@pollux.usc.edu (Marco Papa) (11/18/88)

My personal reply bounced, so I am posting this, which might be of general
use.  It shows how to diskcopy a workbench disk to RAD: at cold
boot, and how to avoid that at the next warm reboot.

This is the one I was using with 1.3 Omega (I don't do that anymore).
The code to check whether to diskcopy or not should be credited to
Carolyn Scheppner of Commodore. Note that during Diskcopy (or at
the end of it) a requester will briefly flash.  It is OK.

-- Startup-Sequence:

c:run >NIL: c:Setpatch   ;patch system
c:wait 3
c:echo "A500/A2000 Workbench disk.  Release 1.3 Gamma version 34.4*N"
Sys:System/FastMemFirst   ; move C00000 memory to last in list

failat 30
assign >NIL: rad:
if not warn
   echo "Mounting RAD:"
   mount rad:
   if not exists rad:c
      echo "Backing up df0: to  rad:"
      SYS:System/diskcopy <NIL: df0: to rad: name "RamWb"

rad:c/failat 10

rad:c/assign C:     rad:c
cd c:
echo "Transferring control to RAD:"
assign SYS:   rad:
assign S:     rad:s
assign L:     rad:l
assign LIBS:  rad:libs
assign DEVS:  rad:devs
assign FONTS: rad:fonts

resident c:resident pure
resident makedir pure
resident assign  pure

Addbuffers df0: 10
FF >NIL: -0   ; start FastFonts
MakeDir Ram:Env   ; set up ENV: directory
Assign ENV: ram:Env
makedir ram:t
assign t:  ram:t
Sys:System/SetMap usa1

path sys:utilities sys:system ram: rad: sys: s: add
cd ram:

failat 30
assign >NIL: dh0:
if warn
   execute >NIL: dh0:s/hd-startup
failat 10

LoadWb -debug

SetClock  >NIL: load   ;load system time from real time clock
stack 10000
resident c:run pure
resident c:Execute pure   ; pre-load the Execute command
run >nil: clockptr
run >nil: execute s:rescom

resident CLI L:Shell-Seg SYSTEM pure   ; activate Shell
mount newcon: ; mount the improved console handler
endcli > nil:


-- Marco
uucp:...!pollux!papa       BIX:papa       ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu
 "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland]