[net.micro] Jonos or Attache

PGA.MIT-OZ@Mit-Mc (12/18/82)

	Does anyone have comparisons of Jonos and Attache?  They sound very
similar.  Does anyone know what the graphics on the Attache are like, what
bus it is internally?  So far I know the following:

Parameter:	Jonos	Attache
cost		4k	4k
bus		std
realtime clk	avail.	standard
64K		yes	yes
disks (2)	330K	330K
screen		9in.
graphics	avail.	standard?
availability	immed.
weight		?	?

Jonos will be out soon with a new version of the system with two three in hard
disk, holding 5.25 meg each, removable.  That system will have CP/M 3.0,
and clock will be standard.  The system will be 6k.

I think the jonos is a six card cardcage.  Jonos supports a $300 8" floppy
disk controller card so you can be compatible with the world.  I don't
remember how many serial ports it has, probably 2.  They have something
they call an "Attachable Printer".  They seem to mean something more
profound then that it plugs in.  Does this mean it fits in the case (seems
unlikely)?  I spoke to Jonos a couple of days ago and they were very informed
and helpful.  Their staff is way beyond the usual level of competence.

Would people be interested in a group purchase of either machine?  Get
in touch directly with me if you are.  I'm interested in getting one by
the Christmas.  Jonos gave me information about quantity, and they
have stock.
