Here's the scoop on the Seiko CM-1430 Color Monitor: The CM-1430 is a VGA-only monitor that scans at 31.47kHz or 35.52kHz (not at 15.75kHz). Since it is VGA only, you must have a VGA compatible source like the Micro Way FlickerFixer which plugs into the Amiga 2000 video slot. The CM-1430 comes with a integrated (non-detachable) cable terminated with a male high-density 15 pin DB plug (3 rows of 5 pins in a DB-9 sized plug). The FlickerFixer comes with a female DB-9 terminal. So you need to make a connector with a female high-density 15 pin DB on one side and a mail DB-9 on the other. The FlickerFixer comes with wiring diagrams for VGA monitors. I highly recommend the following source for high density 15-pin DB terminals: Electronics Plus 823 4th Street San Rafael, CA 94901 800/321-4524 (inside CA) 800/546-7135 (outside CA) The display quality is excellent due to the FlickerFixer and the fine 0.26 dot pitch (OEM Sony monitor) and I now boot with a 672 x 460 Workbench. I bought the Seiko CM-1430 since it supports all VGA modes including mode D (1024 x 768) due to wishful thinking about the advanced graphics board. While I really like the Seiko display, I can't help wondering if 15.75kHz scan, digital RGB, and composite input support would be worth a coarser dot pitch and less resolution (I have some devices with digital RGB, S-video, composite, etc. that might be better served by something with more input support, e.g. the Mitsubishi Diamond Scan monitors). Time will tell... -Gary