[comp.sys.amiga.tech] DNET V2.00 ARPANET FTP ACCESS

dillon@HERMES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (03/01/89)

	DNET V2.00 is now available via anonymous FTP to those of you
with ARPANet access.  These are BETA.  My interests are for bug reports
or 'you forgot to include this file' type of stuff.

	I have NOT finished the BBS server or password server, but everything
else, including security, is done.  DNet basically lets you connect two amigas
or an amiga and 4.2/4.3BSD UNIX compatible machine together (8 bit connection
required, DNet must be able to send & recv all 256 character codes), and
run multiple reliable connections over it (i.e. upload, download, and talk
to your friend all at the same time).

	USENETer's:  The files are alltogether too large for me to have the
time to do a distribution.  I will attempt to put together an automatic
mail-reply alias for you but it will be a while.  Don't worry:  The idea is
to let the ARPANet people mash on it and work out my mistakes first.

	DNET V2.00 new things:

	    *	GetFiles client+server, including option to 'continue a
	    download frlom where you left off' ... it skips files/partial
	    files that have already been downloaded.

	    *   FTerm now has an echo mode which the STERM server turns on,
	    plus uses the console.device, plus is now buffered.  Also, 
	    resizing an FTerm window will resize the remote talk window and
	    vise-versa (Ioctl's have been implemented on the Amiga side) for
	    amiga<->amiga connect.

	    *   AUTO-ANSWER SUPPORT, carrier detect now used (if CD drops,
		the protocol shuts down).  However, since the password
		server has yet to be implemented, be sure security options
		are set to only allow downloads.

	    *   Support for slow networks (specifically, a 'virtual baud rate'
		option that you set lower than the real baud rate to fix the

	    *   Amiga Printer server (mainly for Amiga<->Unix connect)

	    *   Bug fixes all over the place!

	    *   Security added

	    *   Lots of other things that I am too tired to think of right now.

	anonymous login, password whatever
	cd pub/amiga

	amiga binaries & unix source:

	    dnet.amiga.bin.tar.Z	Amiga side docs + binaries
	    dnet.unix.tar.Z		Unix side docs + source

	source: (Aztec C)

	    dres.tar.Z			(available by Friday)
	    sup32.tar.Z			(available by Friday)
