[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Sidecarproblems under WB 1.3, Help needed!

d87-lpn@nada.kth.se (Peter Nemeth) (03/24/89)

[ This is my first message to The Net, so I hope I don't make a complete fool
of myself. Please have mercy with me :-) ]

I have a problem with my A1000 and my SideCar (Yes, there are some of them
'round the world.) I'll specify the problem first, and then give my

PROBLEM:	When running under WB1.2, I've configured my 20MB-PC-Harddisk,
as 10MB-Amiga/10-MB-PC. Everything worked fine. I just djmount'ed and got up
my 10MB JH0: on the Amy.
		Now however, I've just recently received WB1.3, WITH the
PCInstall-disk. So I've got the NEW Janus.library and jdisk.device. When I boot
WB1.3 I can't FORMAT JH0: !!! This is my (one of many) line:

1> format DRIVE JH0: NAME x0 INHIBIT
Insert disk to be initialized in drive JH0: and press RETURN
format failed -
not enough memory

		The format-command is the one supplied with the PCInstall-disk.
To furthermore mystify the scene, I've tried to format JH0: under WB1.2 (using
dpformat, but also using the new format from PCInstall, both worked). I then
got a working harddisk under WB1.2, but when I reboot under WB1.3, the system
tells me that JH0: isn't a DOS disk (I now use djmount from WB1.3).

QUESTION:	What shall I do to get a working system?
I just want to be able to use WB1.3 with my A1000, Sidecar and harddisk.
(For a start that is. If possible I would like to exend my memory from the now
lousy 0.5MB I've got (standard equipment...) to the vicinity of 2.5MB!)

  *	Amiga	A1000, purchased x-mas 1985, international model
				(no kickstart-daughterboard)
  *	Sidecar	A1060, purchased spring 1987
			Commodore Sidecar BIOS Rev. 2.06     380 619 - 03
			Janus Handler Version 2.63     \
			Janus Library Version 33.1     /  WB 1.3
  *	X-drive	A1010,	(I've tried with this one disconnected...)

My Thanks To All Of You Amiga-GURU's out there

/Peter Nemeth
!          ____ !This is perfectly safe,        !        Peter Nemeth         !
!         /***/ !nothing can go wrong.          ! mail:  d87-lpn@nada.kth.se  !
!        /***/  !This is perfectly safe,        ! snail: Rodkloverv. 18	      !
!       /***/   !nothing can go wr              !        162 41 VALLINGBY     !
!____  /===/    !                               !        SWEDEN	              !
!\xxx\/===/     !FATAL: Internal stack failure,	+-----------------------------+
! \xxx===/      !       system halted.          !                             !
!  \====/       !                               !                             !
!                  School of Computer Science and Engineering                 !
!                       The Royal Institiute Of Technoloy                     !