[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Going from Mango to Lettuce

ddave@pnet02.cts.com (David Donley) (03/31/89)

I am trying to convert a 250 page or so program from MANX to Lattice, and am
having a few problems.

1) The program uses the format routine in MANX to do text output.  I'm sure
there is an equivilent function in Lattice, but I don't know what it is.  It
would not be fesable to convert the thing to use sprintf.  I did an oml on
lc.lib, and I found a thing I think might be it: It's called usfmt.  I don't
know what it's args are though, and the manual doesn't mention it in the libs

2) When I compiled the program under manx, it was 153K.  When I got it almost
finished using lattice, with size optimization and the global optimizer, it
was 148K.  How can I make it smaller?

I am telling the compiler to join all identical strings, and am linking with
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