[comp.sys.amiga.tech] getcwd

joe@dayton.UUCP (Joseph P. Larson) (04/02/89)

What is the *proper* way to perform an change-working-directory from C?
Ditto a get-working-directory?

(That is "cd place" and "cd" from the CLI.)

As per Rob Peck's book, I did the following for the getcwd() --

	me = FindTask(0);
	success = Examine(me->pr_CurrentDir, &fib);
	printf("Current directory: %s\n", fib.fib_FileName);

However, this doesn't include the disk name.  Arg.


As for the chdir() --

	if (i created an earlier directory lock) UnLock(oldlock);
	myLock = Lock(dname, ACCESS_READ);
	dummyreturn = ChangeDir(myLock);

Rob's book indicates I shouldn't unlock any lock I didn't create.
But doesn't this leave a lock on the old directory sitting around?
Shouldn't I just do this:

	myLock = Lock(dname, ACCESS_READ);
	oldlock = ChangeDir(myLock);
	if (oldlock != NULL)

But Rob's book says this'll piss off DOS.


Am I going about all this the hard way?  I'm using Manx and couldn't find
equivalent routines in their library, but it *was* late and dark and....

Life is a cabaret (old chum).
UUCP: rutgers!dayton!joe   (Picts 1-13 are   DHDSC - Joe Larson/MIS 1060
ATT : (612) 375-3537       now ready.)       700 on the Mall, Mpls, Mn. 55402

rokicki@polya.Stanford.EDU (Tomas G. Rokicki) (04/02/89)

 *   All you ever wanted to know about changing your current
 *   working directory.  Make *sure* you call initcd() during
 *   startup.  cleancd() can be called anytime as many times
 *   as you feel.  cwd(s) returns a success code---1=success,
 *   and can be called at any point.  getcwd() returns the
 *   name of the current working directory if you pass it "" as
 *   the first argument, or it returns the full name of the file
 *   referenced by the given name.
 *   This code assumes that no one else will change the current
 *   working directory out from under you.
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "libraries/dos.h"
#include "functions.h"
static struct Lock *original_lock = -1 ;
 *   Call me before any others!
initcd() {
   register struct Lock *new_lock ;

   new_lock = Lock("",SHARED_LOCK);
   if (!new_lock)
      error("! can't lock cwd") ;
   original_lock = CurrentDir(new_lock);
 *   Call me before you exit!
cleancd() {
   register struct Lock *new_lock ;

   if (original_lock != -1) {
      new_lock = CurrentDir(original_lock);
      if (new_lock)
      original_lock = -1 ;
 *   Call me to set the current working directory!
 *   Returns `0' on failure.
int cwd(s)
char *s ;
   register struct Lock *new_lock ;

   new_lock = Lock(s,SHARED_LOCK);
   if (!new_lock)
      return(0) ;
   new_lock = CurrentDir(new_lock);
   if (new_lock)
   return(1) ;
 *   Call me to get the full path name of a file!  Pass "" as the name for
 *   a `pwd'.  Give me the buffer to use and the size of that buffer.
char *getcwd(name, buffer, size)
char *name ;
char *buffer ;
int size ;
   register struct Lock *lock, *nlock ;
   register int len ;
   register struct FileInfoBlock *fib ;
   register char *p ;

   fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocMem((long)sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),
                                            MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR) ;

   size -= 2 ;
   p = buffer + size + 1 ;
   *p = 0 ;
   if (fib) {
      lock = Lock(name, SHARED_LOCK) ;
      while (1) {
         Examine(lock, fib) ;
         len = strlen(fib->fib_FileName) ;
         p -= len + 1 ;
         if (p < buffer)
            return(NULL) ;
         strcpy(p, fib->fib_FileName) ;
         p[len] = '/' ;
         nlock = ParentDir(lock) ;
         UnLock(lock) ;
         if (nlock != NULL)
            lock = nlock ;
            break ;
      p[len] = ':' ;
      if (buffer[size] == '/')
         buffer[size] = 0 ;
      FreeMem(fib, (long)sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock)) ;
      return(p) ;
   } else
      return(NULL) ;
