[comp.sys.amiga.tech] A2500 harddrive finally working YEAHH!

u572555600ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu (0040;0000002815;0;195;141;) (04/13/89)

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Joy! Happy! Well, I finally got it to work. What I had to do was this:
Put hddisk.device and hddisk.device.info (NOT hddisk.info) in expansion.
Also, the execute permission flag was messed up, and it worked! 
I'd like to thank Howard Hull for sending hddisk.device, and everyone
who gave me the great advice that finally got it to work! It's been
working for 1 whole day now! I hope it continues to work, and I'll
try some of your ideas for getting that Rodime to stop whining like
a mongrel offspring of a banshee. Sorry for taking up so much band
width, but I was desperate. Thanks again everyone!