[comp.sys.amiga.tech] new MulDiv .. 32x32->64 64/32->32 bit multiply/divide

dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (05/02/89)

	The expression (a * b) / c is one of the most used in graphics.  It
comes up time and time again in line-intersect, 3d->2d computation, etc...
The classic problem is simple:  If a * b > 32 bits, even if the result is 
within 32 bits after dividing by c, then you can't do this in C.  To do this
in C you have to limit a * b to 32 bits which usually means a and b are limited
to 16 bits.  MulDiv() allows you to have 32 bit a's and b's and c's. as long
as the final result is 32 bits.

	MulDiv is fully compatible with assem or Aztec as and adheres to
the D0-D1/A0-A1 scratch var convention so is callable by Aztec or Lattice C.

	long a, b, c, r;

	r = MulDiv(a,b,c);

	unsigned long a, b, c, r;

	r = MulDivU(a,b,c);

	MulDiv() will perform either a signed or unsigned computation of
a * b / c using a 64 bit intermediate result for (a * b).  The final returned
value is valid only if the (a * b) /c final result fits in a 32 bit integer.

	NOTE: on the 68020 this can be done in two instructions as it has a
32x32->64 bit multiply and a 64/32->32 bit divide.

	Currently MulDivU() runs at about 2439 operations / sec, and
		  MulDiv()  runs at about 2325 operations / sec.

	(for large values of a, b, and c)

	If anybody knows of a faster way to do the divide I would appreciate
hearing from you!  I have tested this, but please report any bugs if you
find them.


	    ;	r = MulDiv(a,b,c)   long a,b,c,r;
	    ;	r = MulDivU(a,b,c)  unsigned long a,b,c,r;
	    ;	result.32 = a.32 * b.32 / c.32
	    ;	32x32->64 64/32->32 multiply-divide combination

	    xdef    _MulDiv
	    xdef    _MulDivU

	    movem.l D2-D4,-(sp) ; save D2/D3 (generic compiler compatibility)
	    moveq.l #0,D4	; clear negate flag
	    lea     16(sp),A0   ; address of 'a'
	    move.l  A0,A1	; save A1 for muldivu call
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test a
	    bpl     .mp
	    neg.l   (A0)+       ; n--
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test b
	    bpl     .mnp
	    neg.l   (A0)+       ; nn-
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test c
	    bpl     muldivu	; nnp CALL, RESULT POSITIVE
.mppn	    neg.l   (A0)        ; nnn
.mnpp	    moveq.l #1,D4	; set negate flag
	    bra     muldivu

.mp	    addq.l  #4,A0	; p--
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test b
	    bpl     .mpp
	    neg.l   (A0)+       ; pn-
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test c
	    bpl     .mpnp
	    neg.l   (A0)        ; pnn
	    bra     muldivu	; jmp to routine

.mpp	    addq.l  #4,A0	; pp-
	    tst.l   (A0)
	    bpl     muldivu	; ppp RESULT POSITIVE
	    bra     .mppn	; RESULT NEGATIVE (negate (A0) befor call)

.mnp	    addq.l  #4,A0	; np-
	    tst.l   (A0)        ; test c
	    bpl     .mnpp	; RESULT NEGATIVE
	    neg.l   (A0)        ; npn
	    bra     muldivu	; RESULT POSITIVE

	    ;	MulDivU(a,b,c)          AH 4(sp) AL 6(sp) BH 8(sp) BL 10(sp)
	    ;	unsigned long a   @4(sp)
	    ;	unsigned long b   @8(sp)
	    ;	unsigned long c   @12(sp)

	    movem.l D2-D4,-(sp) ; save D2-D4
	    moveq.l #0,D4	; clear negate flag
	    lea     16(sp),A1   ; address of 'a'
	    lea     4(A1),A0

	    move.w  (A0)+,D3    ; bh ah     8(sp)  A0 8->10
	    mulu.w  (A1)+,D3    ;           4(sp)  A1 4->6
	    move.w  (A0),D0     ; bl al    10(sp)  A0 10
	    mulu    (A1),D0     ;           6(sp)  A1 6
	    move.w  (A0),D1     ; bl ah    10(sp)  A0 10
	    mulu.w  -(A1),D1    ;           4(sp)  A1 now 4
	    move.w  -(A0),D2    ; bh al     8(sp)  A0 now 8
	    mulu.w  -(A0),D2    ;           6(sp)  A0 now 6
	    add.l   D1,D2	; combine blah and bhal
	    bcc     .mud1
	    add.l   #$10000,D3
.mud1	    swap    D0		; LSB MSB
	    add.w   D2,D0
	    swap    D0
	    swap    D2
	    and.l   #$FFFF,D2
	    addx.l  D2,D3	;64 bit mul result: D3|D0

				;64 bit by 32 bit division.  32 bit result.

	    move.l  6(A0),D1    ;D1 = c           A0 WAS 6
	    beq     .mdfail

	    sub.l   A0,A0	;Divide!    D1 into D3|D0, D2 = cntr, A0 = rslt
	    move.w  #31,D2	;(no initial compare).  31 + 1 iterations
.mud10	    adda.l  A0,A0	;shift result left
	    asl.l   #1,D0	;Shift left
	    roxl.l  #1,D3
	    cmp.l   D1,D3
	    bcs     .mud11	;if D3	< D1, skip  (blo)
	    sub.l   D1,D3	;   D3 >= D1
	    addq.l  #1,A0	;result = result | 1
.mud11	    dbf     D2,.mud10

	    ;;	 If remainder (D3) larger than 1/2 C (D1 >> 1), then
	    ;;	 round up result.	REMOVED
	    ;lsr.l   #1,D1
	    ;cmp.l   D1,D3
	    ;blo     .mud12	 ; skip if remainder < 1/2C
	    ;addq.l  #1,A0
	    move.l  A0,D0	;return result
	    tst.l   D4		;D4 non-zero means negate result
	    beq     .mud13
	    neg.l   D0
.mud13	    movem.l (sp)+,D2-D4 ;restore D2-D4

.mdfail     moveq.l #-1,D0
	    bra     .mud13
