[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Problems w/Lattic CPR

wade@pnet01.cts.com (Wade Bickel) (06/03/89)

        I've recently switched to Lattice C (v5.02) from Modula-2.  Using
CPR has been quite frustrating.  Using the "Watch" system to watch variables,
I have noticed variables change when I enter a function even though there is
no reference to them in the function.  This seems to happen on the first
p)roceed command executed after using "ts" to trace into a function call.

        I'm working under the assumption that I, being new to Lattice and C,
am doing something stupid.  

        Still, it looks awfully funny to me, so I thought I'd ask and see if
anyone else has had similar problems.  Have you?



UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!pnet01!wade
ARPA: crash!pnet01!wade@nosc.mil
INET: wade@pnet01.cts.com