[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Arp 1.3 Docs

paquette@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Trevor Paquette) (06/09/89)

 A couple of months back someone mentioned that they had the docs for ARP
1.3 in (I believe it was) roff format. (Or some sort of format like that)
Would it be possible for that person to email me those docs? 
  If enough people that ask me for those docs and if I ever recieve them
I will post them here.

Trevor Paquette/GraphicsLand, Calgary, Alberta    Calgary Flames
.uunet!{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette    Stanley Cup Champions 1989
calgary!paquette@cs.ubc.ca                        The beginning of a dynasty!

tadguy@cs.odu.edu (Tad Guy) (06/16/89)

In article <1495@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP>, paquette@cpsc (Trevor Paquette) writes:
> A couple of months back someone mentioned that they had the docs for ARP
>1.3 in (I believe it was) roff format. (Or some sort of format like that)

It was John Dutka and he used LaTeX...

>Would it be possible for that person to email me those docs? 

Since this is of general use to the Amiga community (and since it's
only 20k), I've enclosed his file below.  It's also available via
anonymous ftp from xanth.cs.odu.edu as /amiga/arp-1.3.tex.Z ...

These are not the official docs, but are a clever immitation.  I don't
use ARP, so I can't tell how good these docs are, but they do print
correctly here.


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# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  arp-1.3.tex
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > arp-1.3.tex &&
X% From: jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu (John Dutka)
X% Subject: Re: ARP Docs
X% Date: Fri, 28 Apr 89 20:07:54 edt
X% This is a sample LaTeX input file.  (Version of 9 April 1986)
X% A '%' character causes TeX to ignore all remaining text on the line,
X% and is used for comments like this one.
X\documentstyle{article}    % Specifies the document style.
X                           % The preamble begins here.
X\title{ARP V1.3 Docs}      % Declares the document's title.
X\author{Microsmiths, Inc.}    % Declares the author's name.
X\begin{document}           % End of preamble and beginning of text.
X\maketitle                 % Produces the title.
X1. Installing ARP 
X\newline 2. How compatible are the ARP Commands?
Xa. Wildcards 
Xb. Environment Variables 
X\newline 3. ARP Command Enhancements 
Xa. Assign and Mount speed up your startup sequence
Xb. Let ARP Copy Quick
Xc. Rename-ing, Copy-ing, and Move-ing files
Xd. AShell: Three commands in one
Xe. Type, Join and Protect
Xf. Search and Sort
Xg. CD and PATH
X\newline 4. Disclaimer, warranty and distribution
X\newline 5. CREDITS
X\section{Overview of the 1.3 ARP Release}
X  AmigaDOS Resource Project
Xc/o Microsmiths, Inc.
XPO Box 561
XCambridge, MA 02140
XElectronic Mail:
XBIX, People Link: cheath
XCIS: 76004,1766
XAll software, manuals, install programs and associated material are
XCopyright (c) 1987,88,89 by Arp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
XThe ARP Installation program and accompanying documentation may be
Xfreely distributed provided no changes or additions to the materials
Xare made.
XAmigaDOS is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
XUnix is a trademark of AT\&T Information Systems.
X\subsection{Installing ARP}
XTo install the new 1.3 ARP commands on your system you use
Xthe ArpInstall program. This program can be run from either
Xthe Workbench (by clicking on its Icon) or if you prefer,
Xfrom the CLI. This program uses a simple mouse driven
Xinterface to install the ARP CLI style commands on your
Xsystem. You can select the commands you want, and where you
Xwant them placed on your disk, or you can elect to accept
Xthe default setup.
XNormally, you will want to install the ARP commands on
Xyour bootdisk or in the appropriate drawers on your hard
Xdisk. However, if you wish to install the ARP commands on
Xanother disk, please insert this disk before you begin
Xanswering the questions that ArpInstall will be asking you.
X\subsection{How compatible are the ARP Commands?}
XEvery effort has been made to make the ARP commands 100\%
Xcompatible with the AmigaDOS V1.3 commands.  You can use the
Xdocumentation in the AmigaDOS Users Manual and the AmigaDOS
XV1.3 enhancer manual with the ARP commands, and read further
Xfor a brief discussion of the more important enhancements
Xmade to each command.
XThe standard AmigaDOS pattern matching abilities are present
Xin ARP commands as described in the AmigaDOS Users Manual.
XIn addition to these basic capabilities, ARP provides the
Xfollowing enhancements in pattern matching:
X--- Use of the star ('*') to match any pattern.  This
Xcorresponds to the AmigaDOS pattern '\#?'.  This use of
Xthe star character is so common as to be almost a de
Xfacto industry standard. Note that the AmigaDOS pattern
Xmatching is implemented as well: use the one that you
Xlike the best.
X--- The ability to match a class of characters.  You
Xspecify the class of characters to be matched by
Xenclosing them within square brackets.  For example,
Xthe pattern 'file.[ch]' will match file.c or file.h,
Xbut not file.o or file.ch (you match only one of the
Xcharacters in the class). To specify a range of
Xcharacters, you can use [a-z], which will match any
Xcharacter between a and z inclusive.
X--- The ability to match 'anything but' a pattern. To do
Xthis, precede your pattern with the tilde (' $\tilde{ }$ ')
Xcharacter. For example, to list all files except those
Xwhich end in .info, use this pattern: ' $\tilde{ }$ *.info' or
X' $\tilde{ }$ \#?.info'.
X--- Smart 'tick' matching. The tick (single quote) is used
Xby AmigaDOS to remove the special meaning of any
Xwildcard character.  For example, to refer to a
Xliteral, actual question mark in a filename, you would
Xuse ``?``.  The AmigaDOS (and ARP) commands will interpret
Xthat two character sequence as a single question mark.
XProblems arise with filenames that contain a single
Xquote, quite a common occurance. ARP commands try to be
Xclever about when to tick and when not to tick.  For
Xexample, ``Mike's Drawer`` will be understood by the ARP
Xcommands to be ``Mike's Drawer``, but an AmigaDOS command
Xwill think it is ``Mikes Drawer``.  To do this under
XAmigaDOS (and it works with ARP as well) you can use
X``Mike' 's Drawer``.
XWhile these extra features add additional power welcomed by
Xmost users, they are also a potential compatibility issue,
Xsince they are not supported by the current AmigaDOS
Xcommands.  Fortunately, the problems are minor, and rarely
Xoccur.  Here are some of the potential problems, and their
Xsolutions, roughly in order of frequency of occurance:
X( The ARP Eval command uses C-language Printf format, such
Xas ``\%lx``, rather than the BCPL ``\%X`` formatting. )
X--- Conflicts with the use of  '*' as a wildcard and as a
Xfilename or as an escape character. AmigaDOS uses the
Xstar (*) as a filename (referring to the current
Xwindow) and as an escape character.  This is used most
Xcommonly with the Type and Copy commands.  If you run
Xacross an old script that does this, or if you wish	to
Xuse this yourself, you can issue the command ``SET BCPL
XTRUE``, which will cause Type and Copy to revert to the
Xolder behavior. Conflicts with '*' as an escape
Xcharacter are less likely, but possible.  We suggest
Xyou add the statement ``SET ESCAPE $\backslash$ BCPL FALSE`` in your
XStartup-Sequence, and use the ``$\backslash$`` character as the
Xescape character.
X--- OR patterns in ARP follow the AmigaDOS documentation.
XOR patterns are AmigaDOS patterns which look like this:
X$(File1|File2|File3)$.  This will match any one of File1
Xor File2 or File3. AmigaDOS commands allow you to
Xleave out the parenthesis under certain circumstances,
XARP commands implement the specification in the
XAmigaDOS manual: You must use parenthesis with the OR
Xpatterns in ARP commands.
X--- Funny characters in filenames: The AmigaDOS commands
Xdon't recognize the extended pattern matching
Xcharacters of ARP (* [ ] $\tilde{ }$ ) as special.  This means that a
Xnon-ARP using friend could create a file called
X``[LIST]``, for example, using an AmigaDOS command that
Xcould cause you difficulty.  The short term solution to
Xthis is to use the tick (') character in front of these
Xspecial characters.  So to delete the ``[LIST]`` file,
Xyou could type: Delete '[LIST']. The long term solution
Xis to give your friend a copy of the ArpInstall
X\subsection{Environment Variables}
XBefore Commodore released 1.3, the only environment variables
Xavailable on the Amiga were the MANX/Rokicki variables,
Xwhich former ARP releases were compatible with.  With
XAmigaDOS 1.3, Commodore introduced environment variables
Xofficially, but unfortunately not compatibly. The current
XARP implementation is designed to help ease the conversion
Xto the new implementation of environment variables as
Xendorsed by Commodore.
XEnvironment variables using ARP read both the old style
Xenvironment, and the new ENV:, however, we write only the
Xolder format.  This means, essentially, that you can use any
Xformat you prefer with ARP programs, and they will be able
Xto find the value of the environment variable you assigned.
XSome programs (for example, older Manx programs) do not use
Xthe ARP library function calls and so will work only with
Xthe older style variables.
X\section{ARP Command Enhancements}
XMost of the ARP supplied commands have added capabilities
Xwhen compared with their AmigaDOS cousins.  In this section,
Xwe present a brief overview of the more significant
Xenhancements, for a full description of each command,
Xconsult the complete ARP documentation (distributed
Xseparately at a later date as ARPDOC3.ZOO).
XOne thing common to all the ARP commands is an extended
Xhelp template.  As you may already know, the AmigaDOS
Xcommands provide help in the form of a 'command template' in
Xresponse to a question mark as an argument. ARP also
Xprovides these commands, and, in addition, provides an
Xextended help feature if you type another question mark once
Xyou are presented with the template.  For example, typing:
XSearch ?
Xbrings up the normal command template, which in this case
XIf you were to now enter another ``?`` in response to the
Xtemplate prompt, you would get more information, in this
XUsage: $Search <wildcards | STDIN> [Searchstring] [ALL]
XThis extended help often prevents trips to the manual.
XAssign and Mount speed up your startup sequence
XARP's Assign and Mount commands accept multiple assignments
Xor Mounts on one command line.  By taking advantage of this
Xto specify all your assignments or Mounts in one stroke, you
Xcan avoid running each command several times in your
Xstartup-sequence, thus speeding things up. Here are two
Xexample command lines:
XMount dh0: dh1: dh2: pip:
XAssign C: dh0:c LIBS: dh0:libs DEVS: dh0:Devs Fonts: dh0:Fonts
X\subsection{Let ARP Copy Quick}
XThe new ARP Copy command has an option which will
Xautomatically skip a copy when the source and destination
Xfiles are identical.  The Copy command considers files
Xidentical when they have the same date and length.  It will
Xalso compare Filenotes if you have enabled Filenote copying.
XThis can dramatically speed up directory or disk copies from
Xplace to place. You can use it on request by using the QUICK
Xkeyword on Copy's command line, or you can make it a default
Xby setting the ``copyflags`` environment variable.  The
Xcopyflags variable lets you specify many default actions for
Xcopy, see the ARP manual page for Copy for complete details.
XAs an example, to have Copy always use the QUICK option and
Xalso to copy the protection bits and date you can use:
XSet copyflags=CQ
XTo specify a copy to or from the current directory, you can
Xuse a single dot (.)  character. This is similar to the
Xconvention found on other operating systems, such as Unix.
X(Search and CMP also allow this usage).
XRename-ing, Copy-ing, and Move-ing files
XThe new ARP Move command is an enhanced version of Rename.
XMove can do everything Rename can, and will also move a file
Xfrom disk to disk.  This is cleaner and easier than doing a
XCopy and then a Delete, especially when transferring
Xmultiple files.  Both Rename and Move can use wildcards as a
Xsource pattern, so you can Rename or Move multiple files
Xwith one command. (Note: this is an enhancement: The
XCommodore Rename command will not accept a wildcard
XARP's Rename, Move and Copy commands also allow you to
Xspecify a simple substitution in the destination name, for
XRename *.c *.cBAK
XSee the complete ARP documentation for more information on
Xreplacement patterns.
X\subsection{AShell: Three commands in one}
XAShell is a replacement for NewCLI, SYSTEM/CLI and NewSHELL,
Xthis one small command takes on the functions of all three.
XIt's default action is to always provide you with the 'best'
Xshell available.  You can also request a CLI by using the CLI
Xkeyword, or by copying it or renaming it "NewCLI", in which
Xcase it will do its level best to act like the standard
XNewCLI command.
XBy editing the tool type for the Shell icon to refer to
Xthis file, you will also be able to eliminate the SYSTEM/CLI
Xfile from your disk.  See the manual page for AShell for
Xmore information on this versatile little command.
X\subsection{Type, Join and Protect}
XType, Join and Protect allow wildcard patterns unlike their
XAmigaDOS cousins.  ARP Type also has two new options: B (for
XBanner) and F (for formfeed). B prints a small header at
Xbeginning of each file containing the name of the current
Xfile, F prints a formfeed (which clears the screen or
Xadvances the printer paper) at the end of the file. These
Xoptions are most useful when typing multiple files.  Specify
Xthese with the OPT keyword:
XType *.c OPT BF
XIf you do not provide a source filename to Type, it
Xwill read from the keyboard. This allows it to be used as
Xpart of a pipeline. If typing from the keyboard, use
XCONTROL$-\backslash$ to exit type.
X\subsection{Search and Sort}
XSearch allows you to specify a wildcard pattern as a search
Xstring, instead of the simple literal string which the
XAmigaDOS Search allows.  You can also select to have a case
Xsensitive search using the CASE keyword (default is to
Xignore case).  The ARP Search command will store the last
Xsearch string used in the environment variable "Search".
XRunning Search again with no search string will use the
Xvalue of the ``Search`` environment variable.  Text editors or
Xdatabases which use ARP can also examine this variable.
XYou can also use patterns to specify a range of files
Xto search, you can specify a directory, or you can use dot
X(.) to mean the current directory (see Copy and CMP for
Xanother example of this use of dot).
XARP's Sort is quite safe, it will not crash, even with
Xlarge files and the default stack, unlike AmigaDOS's Sort.
XBoth Search and Sort can read from the keyboard instead of
Xfrom a file, which allows them to be used in pipelines.  To
Xuse Sort in a pipeline, just omit the input filename. To use
XSearch, you must use the filename STDIN (and it must be
Xcapitalized, as shown here).  For more information on
Xpipelines, see the ASH (Arp's shell) manual.
XThe ARP Search command is three times faster than the
XAmigaDOS Search,  and ARP's Sort is about five times faster
Xthan the AmigaDOS Sort, which are nice enhancements
X(compatible too!).
X\subsection{CD and PATH}
XEnhancements here are mainly allowing specification of
Xdirectories using wildcards.  This is a big help when typing
Xlong directory pathnames!
XNOTE: Old friends of ARP should note that the \%P
Xsupport has been removed from CD. (New friends of ARP who
Xdon't understand this shouldn't worry.) It is now in the
Xshell where it belongs.
XARP is now distributing a shell replacement for Shell-Seg,
Xthe 1.3 Commodore supplied shell.  It is reasonably
Xcompatible with Shell-Seg, and also provides some very
Xsignificant enhancements.  The best way to get acquainted
Xwith Ash is to read the short users manual included in this
Xzoo file.
XOne of the most significant features of ASH is it's use
Xof the arp.library process functions and resident features.
XARP's resident is superior to AmigaDOS's in terms of safety
Xand memory usage. Other features include command
Xsubstitution and piping, built-in batch language, and more!
X\section{Disclaimer, warranty and distribution}
XWe make no warranty for fitness of use of any of the ARP
Xcommands, arp.library, Installation program (ArpInstall) or
Xthe accompanying documentation.  The user assumes all
Xresponsibility related to his or her use of any portion of
Xthe ARP distribution. We have made considerable efforts to
Xinsure that ARP works reliably and as documented but cannot
Xassume any liability for problems that may be related to any
Xuse of ARP.
XARP V1.3 may be freely redistributed in the form of the
XZOO files which will be initially distributed by ARP Support
Xonto BIX, Compuserve and People Link.  These files may be
Xplaced on other BBS's without charge provided the original
Xcontents and organization of these ZOO files are not altered
Xin any way.
XYou may make up to fifty (50) printed copies of the ARP
Xdocumentation without specific permission from ARP Authors.
XARP Authors reserve all commercial rights for printed
Xversions of the documentation.
XFor users groups and other vendors of public-domain
Xdiskettes, we request that you contact us to get the
Xcomplete ARP release diskette.  The V1.3 ARP release
Xdiskette is not complete as of this writing, please send
Xa SASE with your request and we will let you know when the
Xcomplete V1.3 diskette is available.
XFor applications developers who would like to use
Xarp.library or include the ARP commands with their
Xcommercial software packages: We encourage this use of
Xarp.library and place only minimal restrictions on your
Xdistribution intended to help insure that you distribute
Xverified copies of the latest version of the ARP library and
Xcommand programs.  If you would like to be registered as an
XARP developer, please send a SASE to ARP Support and we will
Xsend you further details. You are also welcome to use
Xarp.library without registering for support, but we request
Xthat you register with us if you want to include a copy of
Xany part of the ARP distribution with your release.
XARP --- The AmigaDOS Resource Project - is a cooperative
Xeffort by a group of Amiga developers to enhance the Amiga.
X\newline ARP has three main goals:
X\newline --- Provide enhanced commands for Amiga users.
X\newline --- Provide a resource for Amiga developers to help build
Xsmaller, more consistent, more powerful applications
Xusing ``arp.library``
X\newline --- Make this work available to Commodore in order to
Xencourage enhancements to AmigaDOS.
XARP V1.3 represents our third major release.  The first
Xrelease was made in October 1987 (called V1.0).  The second
Xrelease was in March 1988 (V1.1).  With Version 1.3 of ARP,
Xwe have addressed the limitations and incompatibilities of
Xthe ARP V1.1 commands compared with Commodore's V1.3
Xenhancer release, also providing a much more complete
Xcommand set, several new commands not found in the Commodore
XV1.3 set, and an ARP Shell.  At this time we do not have any
Xspecific plans for the next release of ARP, and we welcome
Xfeedback from users and developers which will help us choose
Xour future directions.
XThe ARP commands and arp.library were written in
Xassembler, using Innovatronic's ``CAPE`` and Manx's ``AS`` for
Xdevelopment. The ArpInstall program was written in Modula-2,
Xusing M2S Ltd's ``M2Sprint``.
XARP is not ShareWare. If you would like to support the
XARP project, the best ways to do it are to spread the word
Xabout ARP to other Amiga users, to write and distribute
Xprograms which use ARP, and to support the commercial and
Xshareware products which take advantage of ARP's
Xcapabilities, many of which are also written by members of
Xthe ARP team. These include (but are not limited to):
X\newline ---  the TxEd Plus package from Microsmiths (this includes
Xa printed version of the ARP manual).
X\newline --- Cape, a 68010 macro assembler from Innovatronics.
X\newline --- M2Sprint, an implementation of Modula-2 from M2S Ltd,
Xwhich provides a full interface to arp.library.
XIn addition, you might want to investigate Bill Hawe's
Xproducts.  Bill has not been personally involved with ARP,
Xbut his work complements ARP, and he was also one of the
Xfirst to distribute the ARP command set with his products.
XThere have been many people who have helped with the
Xdevelopment and testing of ARP, and I am sure I will miss a
Xfew who should be mentioned here.  The team has a rare
Xquality of cooperation and excitement and it has been a joy
Xto work with this group.
XCharlie Heath, VP of Microsmiths, Inc. --- ARP Coordinator
X\newline Scott Ballantyne --- one of the original ARP hackers.
X\newline Martin Taillefer --- wrote ArpInstall program (among other things).
X\newline Ken Salmon --- programmer for portions of V1.1 of ARP
X\newline Willy Langeveld --- developer and beta tester
X\newline Bill Barton --- beta tester for arp.library
X\newline Les Noland --- beta tester for ARP commands
X\newline Chuck McManis --- provided prototypes for V1.0 of ARP
X\newline John Toebes --- provided prototypes for arp.library
X\newline Wes Howe --- programmer
X\newline Bill Hawes --- contributed ``LoadLib`` for V1.3 of ARP
X  --- --- ---
XSteve Tibbett, Joanne Dow, Justin McCormick, Andy Levy,
XMike Scalora, John Spadafora, Jeff Blume,
XMarvin Weinstein, Warren Block, Eric Haberfellner,
XMichael Sinz, Paul Ockenden, Larry Phillips,
XBrian Waters --- beta testers for V1.3 of ARP.
X\end{document}             % End of document.
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