[comp.sys.amiga.tech] NTSC scan rates???

raz@kilowatt.uucp (Raz- Berry) (06/29/89)

Hi folks,

	I would like to know the horizontal scan frequency of the
Amiga's NTSC video output signal. I am looking for the minimum scan
rate only.

	I'll bet you are wondering why I want this info... OK, I'll
tell you. I have fallen in love with this new Sony monitor CPD-1304,
which is more than capable of handling the new ECS resolutions. The
insert that I was able to get off of a dealer shows that it has
multisync capability from 28 to 50K hertz. I more than worried that
the Amiga's low resolution (NTSC mode) is below the 28k Sony minimum.

Please tell me that this is not so.

Some more specs:

	Max viewable pixels: 1024 x 768 (non interlaced yet!)
	13" picture tube,
	anti glare, trinitron color, P22 phosphor.
	Scan freq: 50-87 Hz vertical, 28-50k Hz horizontal.
	RGB and TTL inputs.

I was able to get prices of around $700.
Steve -Raz- Berry      Disclaimer: I didn't do nutin!
UUCP: sun!kilowatt!raz                    ARPA: raz%kilowatt.EBay@sun.com
KILOWATT: sun!kilowatt!archive-server     archive-server%kilowatt.EBay@sun.com

dleigh@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM (Darren Leigh) (06/30/89)

In article <33871@kilowatt.uucp> raz@kilowatt.uucp (Raz- Berry) writes:

>	I would like to know the horizontal scan frequency of the
>Amiga's NTSC video output signal. I am looking for the minimum scan
>rate only.

The NTSC specs:

Horizontal frequency is 15.73426 KHz.
Vertical frequency is 59.94 Hz.
Color subcarrier is 3.579545 MHz.

>	I'll bet you are wondering why I want this info... OK, I'll
>tell you. I have fallen in love with this new Sony monitor CPD-1304,
>which is more than capable of handling the new ECS resolutions. The
>insert that I was able to get off of a dealer shows that it has
>multisync capability from 28 to 50K hertz. I more than worried that
>the Amiga's low resolution (NTSC mode) is below the 28k Sony minimum.
>Please tell me that this is not so.

Sorry, looks like this monitor is meant for higher resolution signals.
VGA and above looks like.  It should be fine with a flicker fixer or
the new chips, but it won't deal with NTSC rates.

Maybe you can fall in love with the CPD-1302 which should handle all
the new stuff just fine as well as NTSC rate signals.  It won't do
1024x768 non-interlaced but it will supposedly handle the IBM 8514/A
interlaced 1024x768 mode.  I bought mine for $628.

Darren Leigh
Internet:  dleigh@hplabs.hp.com
UUCP:      hplabs!dleigh