[comp.sys.amiga.tech] CATS / Janus

rwm@tronix.UUCP (Russell McOrmond) (07/26/89)

   There was a message not too long ago from a person like myself wanting to
write software that makes use of the JANUS software in one of my programs.
Here is what I am wanting to do:  I am wanting to treat a Directory in the
AMIGA's Filesystem as if it were another drive on the PC. What I am wanting is
to have a group of files (A BBS download directory) that is accessable from
both the PC and the Amiga Filesystems.   

  Assuming such a program has not been written, I would like to write a command
very much like Aread/Awrite that can be incorporated inside of my Software in
order to send an Amiga-File out the PC's Modem (Actually FidoNet software,
a Modified version of Binkley).

  C.A.T.S. was mentioned, and the 'usual address'.  I myself do not know what
the usual address is.    I also at one point sent off a Message to Commodore
(Forget the exact person now) asking for information about becoming an 'official'
developer, and thus get more information on Up-and-coming and current software.
I unfortunately did not receive an answer, and I do not know if this is because
the message was not received, or a 'reply' was not received.

  Any information would be appreciated.

(P.S.  To the person wanting to know an Entry point for Information about his
Products.  I am in the 'Final List' under then Name AmigaTronix @ (613) 230-2282,
and have access to all of the Backbone Amiga Echo's off of FidoNet. Ever considered
joining into FidoNet as a Point (A usually single user extention to a Node).
All the Software for this is available on the BBS, as well as with Fido-Style
file requests of 1:163/109)

(P.P.S.  I am currently running INLET, one of the other FidoNet compatible BBS's
besides the program PARAGON already mentioned.  The Author of this software
can be reached as  Michael Sawyer@151/113   (Michael_Sawyer@f113.n151.z1.fidonet.org))

(All birds in one stone ;-)

  Russell McOrmond


  FidoNet 1:163/109         AlterNet 7:483/109
  BBS:  (613) 230-2282      Network Support(Fido): (613) 231-7144

  I wanna POINT you in the right direction.

lauren@cbmvax.UUCP (Lauren Brown - CATS) (07/29/89)

In article <0525.AA0525@tronix> rwm@tronix.UUCP (Russell McOrmond) writes:
>   There was a message not too long ago from a person like myself wanting to
>write software that makes use of the JANUS software in one of my programs.
> (description of program deleted)
>  C.A.T.S. was mentioned, and the 'usual address'.  I myself do not know what
>the usual address is. 

	CATS address is included in most of our .signature files. It is:

			1200 Wilson Drive
			West Chester, PA 19380

> I also at one point sent off a Message to Commodore (Forget the exact person 
>now) asking for information about becoming an 'official' developer, and thus 
>get more information on Up-and-coming and current software. I unfortunately 
>did not receive an answer, and I do not know if this is because the message 
>was not received, or a 'reply' was not received.

	Most likely that return mail to you bounced. 

	For anyone requesting information from CATS:  Most application forms
	and information packages available through CATS are hardcopy, and
	must be sent via Snailmail to be useful. To avoid delays in receiving
	information, and to help us contact you in the event email is not
	deliverable, please include your snailmail address and daytime
	telephone number when requesting information from us.

Thanks, and now back to your regular programming.
Lauren Brown     -- CBM   >>Commodore Amiga Technical Support<<
                                    1200 Wilson Drive
                                  West Chester, PA 19380                     
                   UUCP     ...{allegra,uunet,rutger,}!cbmvax!lauren 
                                    PHONE 215-431-9100

                      Do not believe in miracles - rely on them.