[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Transactor Disks

andrew@bhpese.bhpese.oz (Andrew Steele) (07/25/89)

	This is just a short note which I hope someone can pass on for me.

	I just received the disk for Transactor V1I6. On it was the executables
for DNet. These executables have been stored on the disk using Matt's backup
program.  Whilst this is a new and novel way of using backup, and YAFCALP
(Yet Another File Compression And Library Program :-), I'd have preferred
to have seen zoo used but that just personal choice), my only request is
that Transactor use some other extension for these files other than ".bak".
I tought this extension had been understood as being for backup files for
editors, etc. Part of the problem is that here we use DCron (What would
we do without Matt :-), thanks Matt) to clear out old editor backups.
With this extension for this it's going to delete it as well.

	So, could someone at or close to Transactor pass on that they use a
different extension for this type of backup files.

	Does anyone know if and what Transactor's Email address is ?

	Sorry this is posted to comp.sys.amiga.tech rather than comp.sys.amiga
but Australia isn't getting c.s.a. at the moment.

	Thanks in Advance

Andrew Steele                                Computer Services,
ACSnet  : andrew@bhpese.oz                   BHP Rod & Bar Products Division,
INTERNET: andrew@bhpese.oz.au                Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
UUCP    : ...!{uunet,mcvax}!munnari!bhpese.oz!andrew
Andrew Steele                                Computer Services,
ACSnet  : andrew@bhpese.oz                   BHP Rod & Bar Products Division,
INTERNET: andrew@bhpese.oz.au                Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
UUCP    : ...!{uunet,mcvax}!munnari!bhpese.oz!andrew

bjc@pollux.UUCP (Betty J. Clay) (08/04/89)

In article <201@bhpese.bhpese.oz> andrew@bhpese.bhpese.oz (Andrew Steele) writes:
>	Does anyone know if and what Transactor's Email address is ?
>	Thanks in Advance
>Andrew Steele                                Computer Services,

CompuServe has recently made it possible for its users to send and 
receive mail from Usenet - well, Internet.  To send mail to someone at
CompuServe, you must know their ppn - their account number, and must
address the mail to them as "xxxxx.xxxx@compuserve.com".

The number for TRANSACTOR is 76004,1770, so you can send them Email
by addressing the mail to 76004.1770@compuserve.com
(please note that the comma in the number must be changed to a period
for the address.


Betty Clay
CompuServe    76702,337