[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Serial.Device idea?

wendell@medsys.UUCP (bbs amiga user) (08/26/89)

Net Folks, here's my idea: The PeeCee folks have a new terminal program called
MTE. What's special about it is that it gives *normal* 2400 baud modem owners
Class 5 MNP error-correction! A friend with a Supra 2400 running the registered
version of MTE gets about 4800 BPS throughput! 
What I was wondering is anybody considering making something similar for
the Amiga? If so, let me make a suggestion: Put your code all in the
Serial.Device where that *EVERY* terminal program can take advantage of 
it! Wouldn't it be great to boot up Jrcomm on a non-MNP modem, with a
SerialMNP.Device, and double your throughput!
Come on programmers, this shouldn't be hard? Anything that can be done on
a PC can be done on an Amiga! (only better :-) :-)
PS. BTW, I got the idea for doing such a project this way after hearing
that someone had made a IBM<->Amiga disk transfer program the way Dos
2 Dos should have done it in the first place. CrossDos is great, and I'll
probably be sending off for the real version soon...

rogers@iris.ucdavis.edu (Brewski Rogers) (08/27/89)

In article <800@medsys.UUCP> wendell@medsys.UUCP (bbs amiga user) writes:
>Net Folks, here's my idea: The PeeCee folks have a new terminal program called
>MTE. What's special about it is that it gives *normal* 2400 baud modem owners
>Class 5 MNP error-correction! A friend with a Supra 2400 running the registered
>version of MTE gets about 4800 BPS throughput! 
>What I was wondering is anybody considering making something similar for
>the Amiga? If so, let me make a suggestion: Put your code all in the

Class 5 compression is nice on ASCII files, but it actually
*SLOWS DOWN* when transferring compressed or binary files...

Slows down as in slower than without it!

just my $.02... $.17 with inflation.

------------------------------------------------------          Quantum _\/_
545 Sycamore CellBlock 207 Bruce (6502 RULES!) Rogers        |\  Duck  ( 0 0)
Davis, Ca 95616            Quantum Duck Software,           |\ \______/ / \\\
916-757-2925               rogers@iris.ucdavis.edu         |\ <  <     |   \/
"Cool as a body on ice, hotter than the rolling dice."       \________/  Quark!