[comp.sys.amiga.tech] printer weirdness

mike@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike Smithwick) (10/10/89)

I am just finishing up Galile...err...Distant Suns 3.0, and have been
getting a strange bug report from one of the trustworthy Beta testers.
At one point I dump some data to the user's printer. On my LQ-500 it
works fine, on her HP Deskjet it does a form-feed on every line. 

In the data-dump mode on my epson, there is NO form-feed character, 0x0c,
only the standard CR/LF.

What gives?

                                                      *** mike smithwick ***

"Los Angeles : Where neon goes to die"
[disclaimer : nope, I don't work for NASA, I take full blame for my ideas]