[comp.sys.amiga.tech] I need a disk utility that...

hunt@spot.colorado.EDU (HUNT LEE CAMERON) (10/15/89)

will scan the blank (unused) portion of my hard disk and look for media
defects.  I have a Miniscribe 160Mb drive and am using a HardFrame 2000 (with
a 1Mb Agnus).  After I unzooed (oozed?) a large file yesterday, when I tried to
read it, it gave my the dreaded "read/write error" requestor.  What I thought
was strange about that is that it unzooed fine into the bad portion on the
disk, but failed upon reading this portion.  I then decied to delete the unzooed
file and copy (using AmigaDOS) files onto the same space that the first large
unzooed file occupied.  Again, I was able to copy a file onto the bad portion
of the disk, but was unable to read it (got the same requestor).  I looked
for a "verify" flag with the AmigaDOS copy command and was unable to find
for a flag in the AmigaDOS copy that would perform a verify, but couldn't find
one.  This seems unfortunate, that one cannot verify a copy under AmigaDOS
(if this is actually the case).  
Anyhow, if someone could direct me to a utility that would scan my disk, sector
by sector, for media defects and then deallocate them in the FAT (or whatever 
AmigaDOS uses) I would greatly appreciate it.  Otherwise I'm considering
archiving my hard disk and reformatting, which is a real pain.


