[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Networking help

hutch@agnes.stolaf.edu (10/24/89)

I need some help with a networking question.  Is there anyway to network
approximately 5 Amiga 2500's with pods off of each 2500 (4-8 Amiga 500's
in each pod.)?  If you have any clues or information please help me out.
The big contraint is that some of the runs between the computer pods are 
700 feet +.  Any clues?

Thanks in advance.

Lance Hutchinson	 \\====//	phone: (507) 663-6447
St Olaf College           \\==//	@work: (507) 663-7885
Northfield, MN.  55057	   \\//		hutch@thor.acc.stolaf.edu
Lance Hutchinson	 \\====//	phone: (507) 663-6447
St Olaf College           \\==//	@work: (507) 663-7885
Northfield, MN.  55057	   \\//		hutch@thor.acc.stolaf.edu