[comp.sys.amiga.tech] metafonts help please

henning@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (Mark D. Henning) (11/05/89)

I am having a problem making the cm fonts compile (render?) on my
machine.  I am using an Amiga 1000 with 1.5 meg ram.

Metafonts seems to be running fine.  I picked up the Metafonts book at
the bookstore, and the IO test program works just dandy. (whoever
chose the colors for the interlace screen is a genius; no flicker at

Anyway, the problem is this: metafonts hits the statement


and jams with the message:  illegal operation: numeric boolean.

I tried using inimf to recompile the base file.  This included the
files: plain.mf local.mf (white_setup.mf) cm.mf (cmbase.mf).  And
still the cmr10.mf file killed at that point.  (after several warnings
mf "Emergency stop"'s on me.)

The vax mainframe from which I pulled the .mf files compiles the cmr10
just fine so: 
1. is the Amiga version pickier about type conversion?
2. am I missing a .mf file in my plain.base which would type declare
the flags that the current?
3. is there a bug in the Amiga version to be fixed?

Thanks for advice in advance.  Sorry about the crosspost, but here is
definitely a case where the question falls equally into two domains.

All opinions are my own, as are the spellings any deviation
from the norm is just an effect of late nights and early
mornings, with little sleep between.