hopp@agnes.acc.stolaf.edu (12/04/89)
Hello out there, A question just came up, and I'm not sure of the answer. Could anyone help? Please mail replies to hopp@stolaf.edu I have heard that in 1.2 there is a floating point math library that will automatically use the 68881 if it exists, and emulate it in software otherwise. Does anyone know which library this is? Are there any special instructions for using it in C? Which manual(s) document it? Thanks much! Any replies should save me a lot of frustration. -eric hopp hopp@stolaf.edu
collins@pnet02.gryphon.com (Steven Collins) (12/05/89)
While we're on the subject, does anyone out there have any information about how to add a 68881 to your system as per. device? I have the motorola tech data sheet for the 68881, and it doesn't look to hard. I figure I could do one of those 'under the 68000' interfaces. I also have a CMI board with a 68881 on it, which I can reverse engineer, but I need to understand the chip select mechanism in case CMI put it in one of their PALs. Also, what is the process for telling the system that a 68881 is avaliable.... thanks... steve collins ps: Note that I am talking about a peripheral device configuration, rather than a coprocessor config that would require a 68020... UUCP: {ames!elroy, <backbone>}!gryphon!pnet02!collins INET: collins@pnet02.gryphon.com