[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Hard Drives and Gurus

ianr@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU (Ian ROWLANDS) (12/21/89)

    I hope this belongs in tech - if not, say so on reply.

	I have just purchased a Hard Drive (mentioned above) and 2Mb of ram
(3 in total). I use VLT as a terminal program. During the first few days I
hadn't put in on HD. But when I ran it with the Drive on, I kept getting a
Task Held. Even when the games switch (should be the auto-booting switch)
was down and I booted off the floppy, it still happened. Now that it is
installed, it works fine (well almost, xprzmodem causes a guru too).

1.  Is there any reason for this, or just my bad luck?
2.  Are there many programs that do this off this Drive - one other example
    is NoClick 3.6.

    Please reply by e-mail.

Ian Rowlands                      | "I don't want to be political, but you
Dept. of Electrical Engineering   |  can't trust the ALP!"
University of Melbourne           |                        -Joh Bjelke-Petersen
Email :- ianr@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au |  (Flames to ianr@uluru.ecr.mu.oz.au)