porkka@frith.egr.msu.edu (01/10/90)
In order to save bandwidth at least a little, heres one big article instead of several little ones: Three questions: Border Collisions, Gel playfield collsions and educational discounts ONE: How do I get border collisions to work properly??? I have everything setup, and can even get gel to gel collision detection working. I set the Ginfo.*most variables to win->BorderLeft, win->BorderTop win->Width - win->BorderRight, and win->Height-win->BorderBottom My collisionborder() function never gets called! I have even their setting HitMask = MeMask = 0xffff so I know I am not confused about which bit goes to which function. I set the collisionborder() function as handler 0 and collgelgel() function as handler 1 the rest of the handlers are == 0. Is this one of those things that just didn't get implemented? TWO: How can I detect gel to playfield collisions efficiently?? Three: Last year I heard rumors here on the net that CBM would announce some new things about educational discounts in 1990. Well, I'm listening -- Anybody at CBM care to comment? Please ? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Joe Porkka porkka@frith.egr.msu.edu