(Neale Type) (01/16/90)
Hello tech wizards... Can anyone tell me whats up with my battery backed up clock, which until recently was working.. Then one day last week as my machine was booting i got the message : 'Battery backup up clock not found' Is my clock dead forever ? or can it be saved ? or is it just playing a joke on me? I thought the Clock got its charge from the amiga? any help out there.. please Neale -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neale Type , Computing Service /// | "May the Balrog find you tasty." University of Sussex, Falmer \\\/// | nealet @ England. BN1 9QH \X// | ccfe7 @ (Bernie Cosell) (01/17/90) (Neale Type) writes: }Hello tech wizards... Can anyone tell me whats up with my battery backed up }clock, which until recently was working.. Then one day last week as my machine }was booting i got the message : }'Battery backup up clock not found' This is a bug in the 1.3 version of SetClock. If you can find your 1.2 disks, you'll find that "setclock reset" will make your "not found" problem go away. If you don't have that, I have a little utility I can send you that'll fix the problem, also. The trouble is that the clock's internal registers have some kind of consistency check [is it a parity check?]... in any event, if a program goes wild it can write trash into the clock's internal registers. Then you get a "not found" error because setclock detects the error when it tries to touch the clock. This is all well and good except for one tiny bug: in 1.3, setclock ALWAYS consistentcy-checks the clock (and so can't get far enough to do the 'reset' that would fix things up). /Bernie\ ps, is this [or should it be] in the list of "commonly asked questions"? /b\ (J I L Gold) (01/17/90)
In article <> (Neale Type) writes: > >'Battery backup up clock not found' >Is my clock dead forever ? or can it be saved ? or is it just playing a joke on me? > This happened to me, too. There are several options. First I should say that your clock is probably OK, but that some software has corrupted the structures involved in the interface between the clock circuitry and Ami. There is some software available from ftp sites to correct this (you'll need to probe further) but the first thing to try is (from CLI) "SetClock reset". I actually took back my RAM expansion when this happened, before I found out that it was a common (?) problem. -- -- # J.Gold | # # University of Bath , UK | #