gutierre@NSIPO.NASA.GOV (02/07/90)
I was reminded that Amiga people can use these type of chips, so, a
little late crossposting follows:
In article <> in, I wrote:
It seems on my last post, that I got a best offer of $7.50 each for these,
so that's what I am reposting this.
FOR SALE: 256k x 4 RAMS, 80 nanoseconds, Samsung manufacture.
These are NOT the standard 256k chips used in all XT's and most AT's.
These are usually used nowadays in '386 machines. These are 4 bit
chips, and are used in 512k configurations (4 chips = 512k) or 1 meg
configurations (8 chips = 1 meg *OR* 6 chips + 4 256x1 chips = 1 meg.)
(Late Update: These are also the type used A2091(?) HD/Expansion
controllers [correct me if I'm wrong]. 80ns is overkill, but no
problem. Part #44C256-8)
I have 48 of them (8 meg's). I would EITHER trade for 1megx1 chips or
sell for the last best offer I got, which is $7.50 each. I got the 256k
variety by accident thinking my '386 uses these, but WRONGO! I blew it.
You pay for shipping!
This price is FIRM! These chips usually go for $9.10 (lowest price found in
Computer Shopper and Computer Currents).
Either reply to this account or call (415)604-4791 between 4pm-12mid, Sun
thru Thurs (my work hours) PACIFIC time.
Robert Gutierrez/NASA AMes Research Center
NASA Science Internet Network Operations.
Moffett Field, CA.
(ANOTHER late update: I only have 6 megs left now.....)