61394@neabbs.UUCP (DIRK REISIG) (02/27/90)
#-- cut here --## There is a bug in TrackSalve 1.000. But it can be removed by the# accompanied patch program. It uses only redirection: ## PatchTS <TrackSalve >TrackSalve1.010## You can check the version by typing: TrackSalve ??# If you have the source and make make following changes in it, the# compilation result will be identical to the patched executable.## Patch.a line 627 "move.l" -- "move.w"# Patch.a line 630 "move.l" -- "move.w"# Patch.a line 640 " bra.s ST_NextSector" -- "moveq.l #0,d0"# Version.a line 6 "1.000" -- "1.010"## Run this text with /bin/sh to create PatchTS.uu#cat << \SHAR_EOF > PatchTS.uubegin 644 PatchTSM```#\P`````````!``````````````!2```#Z0```%)#^@$V<``L>0````1.BMKOW8*D!!^@$P(@@D/````^W+3DZN_^(N`"@\```A8"`$<@#+3DZN_SK+3DJ`CM9A)!^@"R(@@D!W8+3J[_T&```)XD0$ZN_\HB`"0*)@1.KO_6($I\`&`,2D9J$M#N-.W!@*1J"74<O_\F`(XT[<&%'+_^@,1@4`9C85?``R"O`5?``Y"O@5?`!P4M"QH5?``Q'EY.KO_$(@`D"B8$3J[_T"('0?H`520(=A].KO_08"0,1@3-9A`BKM!T 'Z`#<D"'8G3J[_T&`.(@=!^@!.)`AV%DZN_]`@!")*RTY.KO\NRTXB!T[N`M_]Q.;R!M96UO<GD*`$%L<F5A9'D@0VAA;F=E9"!I;G1O(%1R86-K4V%L=F4@QM,2XP,3`*`$EN<'5T(&YO="!R96-O9VYI>F5D"@!D;W,N;&EB<F%R>0`J````B$```#\C`*O``endsize 364SHAR_EOFexit 0
61394@neabbs.UUCP (DIRK REISIG) (02/27/90)
#-- cut here -- # # There is a bug in TrackSalve 1.000. But it can be removed by the # accompanied patch program. It uses only redirection: # # PatchTS <TrackSalve >TrackSalve1.010 # # You can check the version by typing: TrackSalve ?? # # If you have the source and make make following changes in it, the # compilation result will be identical to the patched executable. # # Patch.a line 627 "move.l" -- "move.w" # Patch.a line 630 "move.l" -- "move.w" # Patch.a line 640 "bra.s ST_NextSector" -- "moveq.l #0,d0" # Version.a line 6 "1.000" -- "1.010" # # Run this text with /bin/sh to create PatchTS.zuu # cat << \SHAR_EOF > PatchTS.zuu begin 644 PatchTS.zoo M6D]/(#(N,#`@07)C:&EV92X:``#<I\3]*@```-;___\"``$````````!W*?$. M_0(!JP$``'$```!;%(TN;]YL`0``.@$```$```````````!0871C:%13`"`E9 M+3AS"@!_OY@`````````````0"DC*````0`8,$^@08$!#BH4*$7@@'0&I0S1\ M%\`&'``L\A@DX,15/VPJ@`2A"$,$`A(\'+9;YJ3C/W$N`*!("2`$&!`$Y`!@B MZ5('2R6`S$@8"4"621('["QP"0V,0$\D@+A4)@(`"04F.+KZ9PV$$CX`P#!08 M8D2-@W%.N&%08`34I2C+_LD#@P"M6KC_T#$P4@"`&1L5P,I0`"\P@!P*\!F&S MLT"#X1@>O+@D5O5J5J8B#A"M0@*!G0],P9#82Z"9&0B9B=[H;.=$:`>I]0%P+ MPMH"4YPBE/#<ZH)E9B?N_G%S\@9$FS)MWLC)HP!`$#9RRH0ADP?$$#1AW)PI0 M0P9$&C=TBE.1$V;,FBEAV-@I`R*&"Q@Q8#1/X@9.'3H@W+S!'WW,FS-NI*$': M=\V1\<8<+K"1AACD+0>`"@H-($]``-RGQ/T"````````````````````````C A`````````````````````````````````````````/R#_ `` end size 483 SHAR_EOF exit 0