[comp.sys.amiga.tech] 5310 printer help

bob@cbnews.ATT.COM (Bob Kyryliuk) (02/28/90)

Hello amiga-ites,  I am trying to hook up an ATT5310 printer to
my A500 with little luck.  It does text fine but I
can't find a printer driver for it.  I've got the PrtDrvGen but
that assumes that the printer responds to graphics by using
one bit per print wire.  With the 5310, this 
isn't quite true.  You have to subtract 63 ( not a nice binary mask)
to bet the actual bit map.

Anybody know how to:
   a) Get PrtDrvGen to subtract 63 rather than just mask -OR-
   b) Get another driver generator that can do this      -OR-
   c) Modify the 5310 to accept a 64 offset (so I can mask)

Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED......

Thanks in advance.
Bob Vanderwall
CB 614-860-4816