[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Format checking

walton@tybalt.caltech.edu (Steve Walton) (03/09/90)

In article <2135.AA2135@noel> greg@noel.CTS.COM (J. Gregory Noel) writes:
>>(*)  Does anybody have a tool that will check formats against the argument
>>list and vet that the values are OK?  ....

Amiga Lint from Gimpel Software ($99 list) does this as well as many other
checks.  I still use it even though I have my Manx 5.0.  Another thing
Lint checks, for instance, is suspicious indentation, like

if (a)
	if (b)

will generate a warning that the else is to the left of its associated if.
Stephen Walton, ecphssrw@afws.csun.edu, Cal State Northridge
posting from Caltech until my feed is fixed