dag (02/12/83)
I might get flames because I'm asking about PDP-11 stuff, but I think the PDP-11/23 is a micro... The price of Winchesters is going down. The availability of good, high density mass storage is going up... I'm running a Q-Bus system and would like to add some disk storage (At least 5mb) to it. Does anyone out there have experience or information concerning low-cost winchester controllers for the Q-bus? BYTE doesn't have a large offering in its advertising. I'm tired of waiting all night for a c compile off of TU-58's... (I'm running RT-11 with the DECUS-C compiler.) Please send mail... Many don't consider the oldest 16bit micro to be a micro, and I'm sure the readership will appreciate not seeing it pass before their eyes in real-time... If there is enough interest, I'll post a summary to the net. Please express interest by mail too. Thanks, Daniel Glasser ...!decvax!sultan!dag