[comp.sys.amiga.tech] reopening standard in/out in custom window.

henning@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (Mark D. Henning) (03/21/90)

Hi there,

I have an interesting question.  Is it possible to reopen stdout to
point to a custom window on either the workbench screen or a custom
screen.  I have manx 5.0 w/sdb, and the abbacus "Advanced C
programming for the amiga." 

I thought perhaps, one might delve into the exec/intuition/dos  lists to
find where the current stdout windiw structure is located.  Substitute
a pointer to your new window, and then replace it when you are done.
This is an UGLY suggestion, however and would be better left undone.
However, as my roommate says, ``theres more than one way to KLUDGE a

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Note: I know that I could just
reopen stdout with the filename CON:, but I would prefer to have
control of the window.

					Thanks in advnace,
					Mark Henning



All opinions are my own, as are the spellings
any deviation from the norm is just an effect
of my deviance.