[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Resource

david@starsoft.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) (03/20/90)

I have been playing around with the demo of Resource (from Fish disk #232).

For those of you who don't know what Resource is, it is a very
"Inteligent" disassembler.

There are many features. Unfortunately, one of the features is very
poor documentation.

I cant figure out how to do the following:

I have a line of code that looks something like this:

      MOVE.L   A6,$0320(A4)

A4 has been loaded previously.

What I want to do is replace the "$0320" with a symbol, which I have
been able to do. However, I want to replace ALL occurances of
"$0320(A$)" with "Symbol(A4)" in the code.

I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

Any ideas?

These words be mine. The company doesn't care, because I am the company! :-)

      Dave Lowrey	 |  In Texas: {uhnix1,moray}!starsoft!david
Starbound Software Group | The World: dwl10@uts.amdahl.com (amdahl!dwl10)
      Houston, TX	 |

a186@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) (03/21/90)

In <00213.AA00213@starsoft.UUCP>, david@starsoft.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) writes:
:I have been playing around with the demo of Resource (from Fish disk
: #232).

        Fun, eh?

:There are many features. Unfortunately, one of the features is very
: poor documentation.

   Look around on local BBSs. There was a version here which had almost
 the same docs as is in the booklet of the commercial version.

:I have a line of code that looks something like this:
:      MOVE.L   A6,$0320(A4)
:A4 has been loaded previously.
:What I want to do is replace the "$0320" with a symbol, which I have
:been able to do. However, I want to replace ALL occurances of
:"$0320(A$)" with "Symbol(A4)" in the code.
:I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

    Go into the <*> Menu, the <Convert xx(A4) EA's> MenuItem, then the
 <Specify> SubMenuItem. This will prompt you for the offset of A4 from
 ProgStart. This works as long as A4 is set to an address ReSource
 can see, ie a BSS or DATA hunk.
    If A4 is set to the base of some AllocMem'ed area, you're
 out of luck. The best you can do then is set up a couple of macros
 to do the substitutions least painfully.
    BTW. I got a notice from the PuzzleFactory last week that Version
 4.0 was now available. [Send in disk + US$25]

 "We must read and devour more and more with our ears and eyes, roll the
 words like great gobstoppers round our tongues, nourish and cherish 'em
 or we we will lose our priceless heritage of elaborate rich vituperative
 gnarled and resounding Billingsgate." -Dylan Thomas

      Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions

dwl10@uts.amdahl.com (Dave Lowrey) (03/22/90)

In article <00213.AA00213@starsoft.UUCP>, david@starsoft.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) writes:
> I have been playing around with the demo of Resource (from Fish disk #232).
> For those of you who don't know what Resource is, it is a very
> "Inteligent" disassembler.
> There are many features. Unfortunately, one of the features is very
> poor documentation.
> I cant figure out how to do the following:
> I have a line of code that looks something like this:
>       MOVE.L   A6,$0320(A4)
> A4 has been loaded previously.
> What I want to do is replace the "$0320" with a symbol, which I have
> been able to do. However, I want to replace ALL occurances of
> "$0320(A$)" with "Symbol(A4)" in the code.
> I have not been able to figure out how to do this.
> Any ideas?
Well, yet another case of RTFM!

After a more carefull reading of the manual (of sorts) I discovered
that there is a command to do exactly what I wanted to do:


You tell ReSource where A4 is pointing, and it will create either
absolute (MOVE.L A6,lbL00876) or relative (MOVE.L A6,lbL00876-DT(A4) )
symbols. You can then change the label to a more meaningful name.

ReSource is a real slick product, but learning it is a real pain!

I am using the Demo version now. Does anyone know if it is sold
via mailorder houses, or do I have to buy it direct from the distributor
(and pay list price)?

"This ain't Rock 'N Roll, |  These be my words, not my employer's!
 this is Genocide!"       |Dave Lowrey - Amdahl Corp. - Houston, TX
 David Bowie -            |In Texas:  {moray,uhnix1}!starsoft!david
"Daimond Dogs"            |The World: dwl10@uts.amdahl.com (amdahl!dwl10)