[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Manx 5.0a bugs

pfalstad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul John Falstad) (03/27/90)

[I downloaded this off the Manx BBS.   Hope it helps.]

Following is a quick list I put together of known Amiga 5.0a bugs and common
problems.  If your 'favorite' bug is not listed, fear not - it probably
just was reported too late to make it on this list or we're still looking into
it.  However, you may want to just send me a brief reminder just to make sure
that it didn't get lost in the shuffle.
Internal compiler error 'Attempt to release item already free'.
Workaround: simplify expression.
The stderr stream is fully buffered when redirected to a file.  This can
cause you to lose information if your program terminates abnormally and
you needed to see the stderr messages (i.e., your program crashes).
The d0 register is extraneously loaded for code like:
    int i,j;
    for (i = j = 0; whatever; i++, j++);
Not really a bug per se, but it makes for un-optimal code.
The BeginIO function trashes the A6 register.
'ls' dates are 8 years off.
The code 'char name[][] = {"asdf","asdf"};' should generate an 
error (only allowed one open array index), but doesn't.
The code 'char name[][][] = {"asdf","asdf"};' crashes the compiler.
The compiler's -qa option generates bad prototypes for function
arguments w/ type modifiers such as const, volatile, etc.
Bad code is generated when local arrays are initialized to an
odd number of bytes (e.g., char foo[] = "ab"; as the last local
The macro 'FUNCDEF' is missing from the assembly headers.  The definition for
it is:
Functions.h has incorrect prototypes, mostly in the Dos functions.
Compiler generates a 'cmp.s' instruction (which is illegal) for
passing of a float constant of 0 to a function.
Workaround: have the function prototype/definition use a double instead of a
Compiler crashes upon encountering 'error 12: illegal pointer 
reference'.  This can be done by trying to de-refernce a variable
of type 'char'.
SDB occasionally gurus unexepectantly.  Not confirmed - if you have a 
reproducible example of this, please get it to us ASAP.
SDB can take a long time to trace over library functions (30-60
seconds).  Also not confirmed, but there seems to be a significant # of people
reporting this.
SDB acts strangely when the -sn or -so options are used.  Not really a bug,
but a consequence of design.  Obvious fix is don't use those options
when using SDB.
The compiler option -qa generates bad prototypes for structure-
typedef's where the structure does not have a tag name (e.g.,
typedef struct { int i; char c; } foo;).  The compiler always uses the struct
name instead of the typedef, which gets you into trouble in cases like this.
The compiler option -qa does not give any diagnostic messages if
the '.pro' file is not created (like if there's a disk error).
See Bix Message # 1981 for alternate __main() startup code.  This hasn't been
fully evaluated by us at Manx, but may be useful if you're having problems.
Sorry, I haven't uploaded it to the BBS yet.
The 'setdat' utility doesn't work.
The 'obd' utility gives sporadic 'out of memory' error messages.
The cia resource functions are missing from the library and from
The -qa compiler option generates incompatible prototypes for
functions defined using K&R style.
Workaround: change 'char' and 'float' in prototypes to 'int' and 'double'.
The -pp option (chars unsigned by default) is not implimented in 5.0a.
Enum function arguments generate 'argument type mismatch' errors 
on prototyped functions when used w/ -wa.  Works fine if -wa is not used.
'Expression too complex' internal compiler error message can occur on some
complex code.
Workaround: simplify expression/code.
'Attempted to free reg not allocated!' error message.  See above.
'scanf ("%f",&a_double);' does not work w/ -f8.  Not really a bug, but a 3.6a
incompatability.  Should say 'scanf ("%lf",&a_double);' instead.
The -qf option (QuickFix) does not give an error if it can't exec
the editor, or if the 'CCEDIT' environment variable doesn't exist.
The compiler generates incorrect code for small code/small data for array
accesses like "c = lookup[c-'A'];".  Works OK in large data model.
The register allocator (-sr option) does not automatically allocate floating
point variables to floating point registers if the -f8 option is used.

pfalstad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul John Falstad) (03/27/90)

The following is a series of code fragments that demonstrate bugs in Manx
5.0a.  I have notified Manx of all these problems.

/* compiled with ccopts = -bs -hi inc: -mbe -papl0t -sn -wlopd */
/* program 1 */
/* gives internal errors */
typedef struct {
   int hm,strg,dex;
   } npc;
int Random(int);
void NewLevel(const int who)
npc *Npc;
   Npc->strg += Random(2)+5;
   Npc->dex += Random(2)+5;
   Npc->hm += 100;
/* program 2 */
typedef enum {YES,NO} maybe;
void main(void),decide(maybe);
void main(void)
   decide(YES); /* <- what's wrong with that? */
void decide(maybe not){return;}
/* program 3 */
typedef enum {YES,NO} maybe;
void SayHello(int,int,int,maybe,maybe,int,int,int);
void main(void)
void SayHello(int a,int b,int c,maybe d,maybe e,int f,int g,int h)
   printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",a,b,c,f,g,h);
   printf("%ld %ld\n",d,e);
/* program 4 */
typedef enum {YES,NO} maybe;
struct choice {
   maybe choice;
   int count;
void main(void);
void main(void)
static struct choice pick = {NO,1};
   printf("%ld\n",pick.choice); /* these two give wrong output */
/* program 5 */
printf("%s","A\x20" "B");      /* this gives wrong output */