[net.micro] The DEC PC is an end-user machine?

Seiler@mit-xx.arpa (02/12/83)

From:  Larry Seiler <Seiler@mit-xx.arpa>

Yes, I've heard DEC say that the PC is intended for end-user applications.
But whenever they said that at MIT, the immediate responce from all listeners
was "we want access to the operating system."  At first (last December), the
DEC people replied by suggesting that we should fill out responce cards so
that higher-ups would hear about this.  A month ago, they said that RSX11-M+
would probably become available, although unsupported.  Now we hear that even
UNIX is going to be officially supported for the PC350.  The moral of the
story is that, no matter what DEC says it is going to do, if enough users
say they want something, DEC will go ahead and provide it.
