[comp.sys.amiga.tech] HELP: Chip differences in A1000 and A500/2000

JTREWORGY@Wesleyan.BITNET (James Treworgy) (04/11/90)

DATE:  9-APR-1990 20:33:25.96
SUBJECT: Help: Agnus/Denise pinout differences on 500/2000 and 1000

Can someone tell me what the equavalent pins would be on an Amiga 1000 for the
following pins on an Amiga 500/2000: (i.e. these are the 500/2000 pins, what
would they be on a 1000?)

Agnus, pin 34;
Denise, pin 35.

I suspect it is the same for Denise, but it seems pretty unlikely for Agnus.
This has to do with that accelerator project- I'd like to try it on my 1000,
but the plans give pinouts for 500/2000.

One other question: Where can the amiga libraries (amiga.lib) be ordered from?
I.E. what is a good address to write CATS at? Thanks,
James A. Treworgy    -- No quote here for insurance reasons --
jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu         jtreworgy%eagle@WESLEYAN.BITNET