[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Dumb question about A3000 custom chip clock speed

alex@bilver.UUCP (Alex Matulich) (05/02/90)


With all I have read so far about the Amiga 3000, I have seen no mention
of the custom chip clock speeds.  I know they run at 14 MHz on my Amiga
1000.  How about the 25 MHz A3000?

How fast can the new custom chips go?  Is the A3000 chip RAM bus still
clocked at the same speed as the lesser Amigas?

     ///  Alex Matulich
    ///  Unicorn Research Corp, 4621 N Landmark Dr, Orlando, FL 32817
\\\///  alex@bilver.UUCP    ...uunet!tarpit!bilver!alex
 \XX/  From BitNet try: IN%"bilver!alex@uunet.uu.net"