[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Scrolling in windows

gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (05/04/90)

Hi.  There's one thing that a lot of workstations do, that I'd like to see my
Amiga workstation do (it's all in the attitude 8-).  Many unix boxes scroll their
windows by a paging sort of method.  They fill up the window, then they scroll
the whole thing to the top (or clear it), and then they begin to fill the window
again.  This makes for blisteringly fast screen fills.  The way I figure it, it
shouldn't be too hard to make CON: (or RAW:) do this.  Of course, I may be missing
something.  What do you think?

		Thanks, Ralph Seguin

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu     gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
gilgalad@goliath.eecs.umich.edu   Ralph_Seguin@ub.cc.umich.edu
gilgalad@sparky.eecs.umich.edu    USER6TUN@UMICHUB.BITNET

Ralph Seguin               |  In order to get infinitely many monkeys to type
11010 Lighthouse Dr. #234  | something that actually makes sense, you need to
Belleville, MI 48111       | have infinitely many monkey editors as well.
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