[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Allocating and Writing to Fast Ram

ianr@felix.ee.mu.OZ.AU (Ian ROWLANDS) (05/08/90)

	Has anybody written a piece of code that allocates all of the fast ram,
writes a certain pattern to all of it (say, zero) and then unallocates it?
then I would like to hear from you. Code in Lattice C (preferably v5) is
preferred, but doesn't really matter (as long as it compiles under Lattice).

	I know 'general' C, but very little about specifically Amiga C. I know
about the portable memory allocation functions, but I believe this would ask
for any type of memory (when I only want the fast ram). If it matters, I have
1.3, 1 Mb chip and 2Mb fast. Hints would be fine (i.e what library functions
to call, and what thet do).

	I would like this code to test a problem with my fast ram. On my GVP
Impact A500 drive, it crashes some software (see c.s.a.h). But if the program
is run in chip first (most of it), it works. I just want to check my fast ram.
If there are any 'memory checkers' out there (there is one for a memory board,
but the disk was wrecked), I would like to see them too (unless that breaches
commercial copyright).


Ian Rowlands                      | ianr@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au (main)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering,  | ianr@gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au
 (including Computer Science)     | ianr@munmurra.cs.mu.oz.au (to 7/90)
University of Melbourne           | (How can you have a funny quote in only 4 li