[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Serial device error

matthew@cs.ua.oz.au (Matthew Donaldson) (05/25/90)

Hi.  I have a B2000 at home, and sometimes connect a terminal to the serial
port.  One of the things I have going on the terminal is an editor (comes in
useful sometimes, besides being an extra screen).  To access the serial
port, I open serial.device, etc, as described in KRM, (rather than opening
SER:).  My problem is this:  when I send off a read request, with DoIO,
it occasionally returns an error status.  This status has always been 6.
RKM says that 6 is "SerErr_LineErr", or something equally cryptic.  Does
anyone know what this error really means?

		Thanks in advance.

Matthew Donaldson
Operating Systems Group
Computer Science Department
University of Adelaide