[net.micro] Annoying noise on C64 screen

trc (02/16/83)

I finally got to see a C64 in person last night, and I was generally
impressed. However, one feature of the 64 that really bothered me,
and which could ruin it as a game machine, was the large amount of 
screen noise generated when running a program that accesses the
video chip.  This can be made invisible by using a white background,
and perhaps it can be gotten rid of by only accessing the chip
during the vertical retrace (?? owners - any experience?).  
At least accessing the graphics RAM doesnt seem to cause noise
(as it did on the old PETs, if I recall correctly).

I plan to get one, in any case.  Its still a better machine in most
ways than an Apple, which I currently own. (Personal opinion - based
on what I want in a machine - so douse your jets!)

	Tom Craver

PS: anyone know if I can order the Programmers Ref Manual direct from
Commodore?  The store didnt know about the manual.